
Thirteen Wonder Women Fighting for Animals

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Their activism takes many forms, inspiring women across the world are doing the hard work of saving animals and making a healthy, sustainable vegan lifestyle the norm. Women activists are in front of the camera sharing a vegan message, behind the hidden camera recording factory farm footage, making healthy food more accessible and proving that athletes can be vegan, too. …

Vegan Documentaries on Netflix Right Now

leggAnimals, blog, Environment, Health 2 Comments

Whether you’re looking for a little motivation or hoping to share the vegan message with your friends and family, a documentary or film is a great way to start. There are few better ways to steel your resolve to make a change than impactful stories, moving footage, and information on how and why. Netflix is always changing its lineup, so …

How To Save A Life: 4 Ways to Protect Pigs

smcdonaldAnimals, News 4 Comments

Like other animals farmed for food, pigs are highly intelligent, have individual personalities, and are able to feel pain and fear. These loving and kind animals enjoy playing, and exercising! Though they love to laze around in the mud to cool off, pigs are very clean, meticulously choosing other places for their waste. But on factory farms, pigs aren’t given …

No Fish in These Delicious Dishes

leggAnimals, Food Leave a Comment

Fish are incredible animals. They show affection, can multitask, and some even use tools. They also feel pain and suffering, just like other animals. So let’s keep our finned friends off our plates. Ocean ecosystems are facing many threats from overfishing to pollution to habitat destruction and more. Luckily, it’s easier than ever to help save the sea by choosing …


Nine Facts about Cows That May Surprise You

smcdonaldAnimals, News 2 Comments

Cows, like all farmed animals, have unique personalities and experience a wide range of emotions just like humans, cats and dogs. In fact, these playful animals remind us of man’s best friend in a few ways–if you’re willing to overlook the four extra digestive compartments. Here are a couple things you may not have known about our gentle friends. -Cows, …

vegan tuna

There’s No Catch: This Vegan Tuna is Amazing

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Vegan tuna has finally arrived.  Now hitting shelves nationwide at Whole Foods Market and Thrive Market, Good Catch Foods’ vegan tuna is available in three flavors (Naked in Water, Mediterranean, and Oil & Herbs) and provides protein and omega-3 without the suffering behind every serving of fish. All the flavor and no mercury or plastics? Yes, please. As Good Catch …

nose bone inside chicken

Owner of Tyson-Contracted Factory Farm Charged with Animal Cruelty, Enters Plea Agreement

smcdonaldAnimals, Investigations, Legal Advocacy, Victories 3 Comments

After a Compassion Over Killing hidden-camera investigation uncovered heartbreaking abuse to birds at Atlantic Farms, a Virginia factory farm contracted by Tyson Foods, the nation’s largest chicken producer, our evidence was turned over to authorities, who promptly investigated. The video reveals birds being violently kicked, slammed, thrown, and run over and crushed to death by forklifts. Other birds were killed …

COK’s Irina Anta Named Co-Chair of American Bar Association’s Animals in Agriculture Subcommittee

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From the courtrooms to the court of public opinion, Compassion Over Killing’s dedicated legal team tirelessly defends animals and strives for justice. Now, Irina Anta, COK Counsel, will be advocating for farmed animals in a new role in addition to her innovative work at COK. Irina has just been appointed as Co-Chair of the Animals in Agriculture Subcommittee of the …


Celebrating 14 Years: Reflecting on the Past, Building a Kinder Future

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Environment, Health, Interviews, Investigations, Kraft a Better Boca, Legal Advocacy, News, Pro-Veg Commercials, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

By Erica Meier, Executive Director The New Year offers an important opportunity for reflection, which can spark creative ideas for growth and forward progress. As we enter 2019, I’m reminded that this month, January 2019, marks my 14-year anniversary working at Compassion Over Killing (now Animal Outlook).  I moved to the nation’s capital in 1999 and soon started volunteering at …