How To Save A Life: 4 Ways to Protect Pigs

smcdonaldAnimals, News 4 Comments

Like other animals farmed for food, pigs are highly intelligent, have individual personalities, and are able to feel pain and fear. These loving and kind animals enjoy playing, and exercising!

Though they love to laze around in the mud to cool off, pigs are very clean, meticulously choosing other places for their waste.

But on factory farms, pigs aren’t given the space they need to thrive. In feedlots awaiting slaughter, they are crammed together and deprived of their ability to engage in natural behaviors, or confined to gestation crates so small they often can’t even turn around.

Sweet and affectionate pigs deserve better than what they receive on cruel factory farms. But together, we can put a stop to this exploitive industry. Here are a few simple steps that you can take today to save our curly-tailed pals.

Sign the petition to stop dangerous & cruel high-speed slaughter

Since Compassion Over Killing’s gut-wrenching investigation exposing egregious cruelty at a pig slaughterhouse exclusive supplying Hormel Foods, more than a quarter of a million people have signed our petition to stop the USDA’s dangerous reduced inspection, high-speed slaughter pilot program known as “HIMP.”

Make a life-saving donation

We’re fighting against cruel high-speed slaughter with everything we have, and investigations and legal work are expensive. For a nonprofit like Compassion Over Killing, your support means everything. With a one-time or monthly donation, you can keep our investigators’ cameras rolling so we can blow the whistle on Big Ag.

Host a MeatOut 2019 event

Compassion Over Killing’s MeatOut campaign empowers people around the world to turn over a new leaf on March 20, the first day of Spring, by pledging to explore the many benefits of plant-based eating. From hosting an event to asking for a “MeatOut Day proclamation in your hometown, there are many ways to get involved. Visit to get started!

Spread the truth: share an illuminating undercover investigation

You can make a huge impact with just a couple clicks. Our undercover investigations are vital to ensure that people can know the truth behind the closed doors of factory farms, so we need your help to spread the message. By sharing one of COK’s moving investigative videos on social media, you just might give someone the push they need to ditch the cruelty and #GoVegan.

Factory farming is a big and complicated problem with a simple solution: stop eating animals. By taking some of these easy steps and simply choosing vegan foods, we have the power to end this cruelty and save lives every day. For more ideas and inspiration, visit

Comments 4

  1. As I am an extremely low-income senior, & cannot contribute monetarily,I still want to help by signing petitions & contacting whomever I can to stop all this cruelty. Footnote: I do not eat meat!!

  2. It’s so heartbreaking more people Are not on board with helping animals, please please we must stop this insane cruelty NOW!! imagine you were them , they just be terrified, it’s awful!

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