Top Five Misconceptions About Fish & Seafood

jennyAnimals, Food, Health 6 Comments

The aquaculture and fishing industries have have historically flown under the radar with regard to animal cruelty as many people don’t think of fish as animals like cows or pigs. However, with the recent release of the groundbreaking documentary Seaspiracy, and an overall growing concern for climate change and ocean protection, the truth about these industries is beginning to come …

cooke aquaculture diseased fish

Aquaculture: The Painful Truth Beneath the Surface 

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating 15 Comments

When you think of the animal agriculture industry, what comes to mind? Cows, pigs and chickens? Many people aren’t aware of the cruel world of fish factory farming, or aquaculture.  Aquaculture presents serious environmental and other risks, yet it largely flies under the radar, although it’s coming under increasing scrutiny. I wasn’t truly aware of the dangers and horrors of …

No Fish in These Delicious Dishes

leggAnimals, Food Leave a Comment

Fish are incredible animals. They show affection, can multitask, and some even use tools. They also feel pain and suffering, just like other animals. So let’s keep our finned friends off our plates. Ocean ecosystems are facing many threats from overfishing to pollution to habitat destruction and more. Luckily, it’s easier than ever to help save the sea by choosing …

Innovative New Vegan Raw Tuna Surfaces at Whole Foods

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

A new raw vegan tuna has surfaced at Whole Foods, soon available for fish-free sushi rolls at locations in New York and Los Angeles! Ocean Hugger Foods calls this fish-friendly dish, made from tomatoes, Ahimi, and tells Epicurious that it also has plans in the works for fishless salmon (made from carrots) and eel (made from eggplant). After all, there …

Tyson to Pay $2M for Pollution That Killed 100,000 Fish

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment Leave a Comment

Compassion Over Killing’s groundbreaking investigation of Tyson Foods broiler breeder factories revealed egregious animal abuse, and drove unprecedented charges and convictions for cruelty to chickens. And Tyson, the nation’s largest chicken producer, is also taking a devastating toll on the planet. A recent report named the company the leading polluter of the Gulf of Mexico. When Tyson planned to construct a …

Help Our Finned Friends on World Oceans Day

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment Leave a Comment

For some here on land, it can be easy to feel disconnected from the species living beneath the waves of the world’s oceans. But if you dive just a little bit deeper into the world of fish, you may be surprised to learn how smart these remarkable animals are! DYK that fish have good memories? Or that they can use tools, or …

Diving Into “What a Fish Knows” with Jonathan Balcombe

smcdonaldAnimals, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

You could say Jonathan Balcombe wrote the book on what a fish knows. The author, scientist, and renowned speaker has expended considerable energy exploring the depths of how these underwater animals think, feel and function. Despite popular misconception, fish are not unfeeling beings driven solely by instinct; in fact, humans have a lot more in common with our finned friends than you might …

5 Reasons Fish Are Smarter Than You Think

leggAnimals 5 Comments

When it comes to animals who people consider warm and fuzzy, fish are typically overlooked. Given their cold-blooded biology and underwater residence, it can be more difficult to relate to them than their mammalian counterparts. And because they look, act, and live very differently from animals we’re used to interacting with, we often assume fish can’t feel pain (they don’t scream, …


4 Awesome Vegan Seafood Options

Erica MeierFood 1 Comment

From shrimp cocktail to sushi, seafood is a diverse category of foodstuffs. Lots of people on the plant-based path tend to resist abandoning these options, often assuming that fish and shellfish don’t feel pain. Sadly, science shows they do, and thanks to habitat destruction, overfishing, and by-catch issues, the worldwide appetite for seafood is ravaging our oceans, so it’s more important …