Top Five Misconceptions About Fish & Seafood

jennyAnimals, Food, Health 6 Comments

The aquaculture and fishing industries have have historically flown under the radar with regard to animal cruelty as many people don’t think of fish as animals like cows or pigs. However, with the recent release of the groundbreaking documentary Seaspiracy, and an overall growing concern for climate change and ocean protection, the truth about these industries is beginning to come …

5 Reasons Fish Are Smarter Than You Think

leggAnimals 5 Comments

When it comes to animals who people consider warm and fuzzy, fish are typically overlooked. Given their cold-blooded biology and underwater residence, it can be more difficult to relate to them than their mammalian counterparts. And because they look, act, and live very differently from animals we’re used to interacting with, we often assume fish can’t feel pain (they don’t scream, …


4 Awesome Vegan Seafood Options

Erica MeierFood 1 Comment

From shrimp cocktail to sushi, seafood is a diverse category of foodstuffs. Lots of people on the plant-based path tend to resist abandoning these options, often assuming that fish and shellfish don’t feel pain. Sadly, science shows they do, and thanks to habitat destruction, overfishing, and by-catch issues, the worldwide appetite for seafood is ravaging our oceans, so it’s more important …