New Study Reveals Fish Can Multitask. Yes, Multitask.

Erica MeierAnimals Leave a Comment

Fish are incredible animals. Sure, they may look and act differently than our cats and dogs at home, but new research continues to reveal that fish are complex, intelligent animals. We’ve already confirmed that these sea creatures are fully capable of feeling pain. And we know they use tools. But who would have guessed these animals can multitask, too? According …

tyson foods

Tyson Foods Facing Criminal Investigation for Polluting Water and Killing Fish

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, Health Leave a Comment

In addition to being exposed in undercover videos for shocking animal abuse, Tyson Foods has also been in the news for food safety issues, meat recalls, and worker safety issues that have resulted in federal fines. Now, this multinational corporation – which is the second largest meat producer in the world – is the focus of a criminal investigation by the Environmental …


New Study Reveals Fish Can Multitask. Yes, Multitask.

smcdonaldAnimals, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Fish are incredible animals. Sure, they may look and act differently than our cats and dogs at home, but new research continues to reveal that they are complex, intelligent animals. We’ve already confirmed that these sea creatures are fully capable of feeling pain. And we know they use tools. But who would have guessed these animals can multitask, too? According …

Feeling Fish

leggAnimals, Food, Health Leave a Comment

While fish may be unable to vocalize their pain in ways that humans can recognize, the scientific consensus is clear: fish feel pain, much like we do. They’re smart, have good memories, form complex social relationships, and some even use tools. Sadly, overfishing is putting many species on the verge of extinction. The number of aquatic animals killed for human …

animal intelligence

Animal Intelligence: Fish Use Tools, Cows Have Best Friends

smcdonaldAnimals, News, Outreach, Veg Eating 3 Comments

cows_0-300x183.jpgTurn on your TV or read the news and you might occasionally see a light-hearted story about the lives of animals. Remember “the Animal Odd Couple”from 2009 in which an elephant and a dog became best friends? Or what about the story of the Echo Park, CA resident who befriended a goose? Stories like these warm our hearts and often encourage us to think a bit differently about the animals in our lives and even about the wildlife we admire from afar.