
What The Dairy Narrative Is Missing: Lessons Learned From Years Of Investigations In Our Movement

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Investigations 1 Comment

There has been an uptick in public interest in switching to what used to be called “dairy alternatives,” language that still implicitly places the vegan options in the outsider position and puts cow’s milk in the dominant frame. Now, people refer to non-dairy milk products as “plant milks,” bringing them right to the center of the table –quite literally— and …


Dairy: The Life of a Cow, From Birth to Slaughter

jennyAnimals, Investigations 12 Comments

Real-life undercover footage of the dairy industry shows the truth about animal agriculture Animal Outlook’s new video takes viewers on an intimate journey through the life of a farmed animal in the dairy industry from birth to slaughter, using real-life original footage from its undercover investigations. In this video — the first in what Animal Outlook will release as a series …

animal agriculture

Land O’Fakes: How The False Narrative Of The Happy Farm Hides The Truth About Animal Agriculture’s Impact On The Planet

jennyAnimals, Environment 8 Comments

Picture a farm as it might be portrayed in a children’s story or a television commercial. A red barn. Perhaps a rolling hill with a lone oak tree at the crest. Cows, pigs  and chickens dot the landscape, each one idly enjoying the sunshine and green grass. The subtext of these images is clear: This is a peaceful, happy place. …

climate change

Meat Industry Fears New Report Calling for Plant-Based Diet to Mitigate Climate and Health Crisis

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, Health, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Meat industry: An important new report from the EAT-Lancet Commission for Food, Planet, and Health emphasizes the vital role food plays in the safety of our planet and global health. These findings are consistent with other recent research, including a study by Science confirming the most effective way to reduce your environmental impact is to stop consuming animal products, and …


Seven Signs That The Future Is Vegan

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

A vegan future: Closer than you might think Do you think a world without factory farming and the killing of billions of farmed animals each year sounds more like a Utopian dream (or a Star Trek fantasy)? Believe it or not, an animal-friendly world could be closer than previously imagined. People worldwide are recognizing the devastating toll of animal agribusiness — …

Big News in the Big Top: Ringling Bros. Shuts Down

smcdonaldAnimals, News, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

In a history-making and headline-grabbing announcement, Ringling Bros. has told the world that it’s closing down (officially this May) after more than 140 years in business. Why? Reasons cited by the Big Top giant include declining attendance over the years as well the public’s changing view on the use — and abuse — of animals in entertainment.   Indeed, this …