
What The Dairy Narrative Is Missing: Lessons Learned From Years Of Investigations In Our Movement

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Investigations 1 Comment

There has been an uptick in public interest in switching to what used to be called “dairy alternatives,” language that still implicitly places the vegan options in the outsider position and puts cow’s milk in the dominant frame. Now, people refer to non-dairy milk products as “plant milks,” bringing them right to the center of the table –quite literally— and …


Dairy: The Life of a Cow, From Birth to Slaughter

jennyAnimals, Investigations 12 Comments

Real-life undercover footage of the dairy industry shows the truth about animal agriculture Animal Outlook’s new video takes viewers on an intimate journey through the life of a farmed animal in the dairy industry from birth to slaughter, using real-life original footage from its undercover investigations. In this video — the first in what Animal Outlook will release as a series …

How Big Dairy Duped The New York Times

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 7 Comments

NYT Asks: Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows? We’ve Known the Answer for Years. Last October, we released a heartbreaking undercover investigation exposing horrific abuses of mother cows and their calves. Recently, The New York Times published an article highlighting our investigation, asking: “Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows?”  Our answer: Unequivocally, yes. But Big Dairy’s PR machine spun the …


FDA: Don’t Help Big Dairy Squash Plant-Based Competition

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Health, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Plant-based dairy alternatives face pressure from the FDA As the dairy industry flexes its lobbying muscle to urge the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to restrict plant-based companies from labeling their products “milk,” “cheese” and “yogurt,” it seems the federal agency is bowing to the pressure. The FDA currently seeks public comments on this issue. Today, on National Milk Day, …

Got Plant Milk? 9 Dairy-Free Milks to Try

smcdonaldblog 1 Comment

  Switching from cow’s milk to a plant-based/vegan milk is a great, easy (and delicious) step in going vegan. The vegan market is booming, which means there’s a huge variety of dairy-free milks to try, and you’re bound to find something you like, whether you want to enjoy it in cereal, baking, cooking, or cookie-dunking! Compassion Over Killing Outreach & …

Guardian Reports: Milk Surplus Wastes Millions of Tons Annually

smcdonaldNews Leave a Comment

VegNews reports that recent research by Edinburg University for The Guardian revealed that about one in every six pints of milk is wasted. This amounts to a whopping 128 million tons of waste annually! This waste of milk products is happening throughout production, during delivery, and at the hands of retail and consumers. But what’s truly baffling is that even …

boca falafel

BOCA Vegan Falafel Hits Shelves

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Kraft a Better Boca, News, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

BOCA vegan falafel hits shelves, but many products still contain dairy Kraft Heinz is getting on board with more vegan options with their newest BOCA product: Plant-based falafel. This new line contains no egg or dairy ingredients and is made from non-GMO chickpeas. It comes in two flavors: Original and chipotle. This is great news for animals and vegans alike, …