
Choosing Compassion: Give Turkeys Something to be Thankful for

smcdonaldAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating 1 Comment

Many people have never met a turkey in person, which can make it difficult to understand and appreciate these remarkable birds. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to meet turkeys at a sanctuary would probably tell you, though, how smart, curious, and social these animals are, and how fun it is to get to know them.

In fact, just like the beloved dogs and cats with whom we share our homes, turkeys are individuals with unique personalities. When given the freedom to just be turkeys, these playful birds enjoy building nests, roosting in trees, foraging for food, and taking dust baths. Turkeys enjoy socializing, and can even recognize another turkey by voice.

But on factory farms, turkeys endure miserable conditions, never stepping foot outside. They are unable to engage in most natural behaviors and are bred to grow so unnaturally large that they often suffer from painful and chronic health problems and are unable to mate naturally. As a COK investigation exposed, at turkey breeding factory farms female birds endure being grabbed by the legs, shackled upside down and artificially inseminated.

turkeys-donthurtusIn 2015, an investigation by COK at a Foster Farms turkey hatchery revealed turkeys thrown around due to extreme processing speeds, baby birds enduring having their beaks or toes burned off without anesthesia, and sick and injured birds ground up alive or gassed to death.

Each year in the U.S., 300 million turkeys are slaughtered for food —  more than 45 million for Thanksgiving alone.

The good news that makes us — and turkeys — thankful is that it’s easier than ever before to choose compassion and leave animals off our plates during the holidays and year-round.

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