
FDA: Don’t Help Big Dairy Squash Plant-Based Competition

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Health, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

…against changing plant-based labels. Danone North America’s Michael Neuwirth said, “Dairy and plant-based products are clearly labeled with nutrition facts so people know what’s in the products.” As our investigations reveal time and again,…


Celebrating 14 Years: Reflecting on the Past, Building a Kinder Future

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Environment, Health, Interviews, Investigations, Kraft a Better Boca, Legal Advocacy, News, Pro-Veg Commercials, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

…the U.S. launch of Quorn’s first-ever vegan product. The company has since expanded it’s vegan line internationally 2011: Prompted by our research, a class action lawsuit unveils a $9 billion…