Earlier this year, Public School 244, an elementary school in Queens, New York City, announced that its cafeteria is now 100 percent meatless — and it just turned in its own report card to reflect how its 400 students are responding to and benefiting from the all-vegetarians meals.
3 Tips for Vegan Eating in the South
Regardless of what part of the US (or the world) you call home, it’s hard to resist the veganized versions of Southern comfort foods like corn bread, barbeque sandwiches, and berry cobblers. And while the South may not seem like the first place you’d look to for vegan cuisine, you might be surprised by the increasing availability of plant-based options.
“Sirens of the Lambs” Basnky Video Goes Viral
This video will break your heart — no graphic imagery required. World-renowned artist Banksy took to the streets of New York City’s meat-packing district last week with a unique and powerful new mobile installation titled “The Siren of the Lambs.” This ominous artistic creation is a “slaughter-bound truck” loaded with animatronic stuffed animals who are seemingly screaming in fear as squeaks and squeals emit from the display while it’s driven around.
Veganism: a Sound Investment Strategy
Recently, the Economic Times of India ran their own story on the rise of “power vegans”−which has already been noticed here in the U.S.−focusing specifically on what would motivate these business leaders to pursue a plant-based diet.
Subway Introduces Falafel in the Nation’s Capital
Last year, we shared the news about Subway’s vegan test menu in eight DC-area locations that was so popular, stores ran out of the vegan patties within a few short weeks. Several of the restaurant managers told us the vegan menu was tremendously successful, and they’ve been eager to satisfy customer demand by putting heartier and healthier plant-based option back on the menu.
“American Humane Association” Tied to Salmonella Outbreak
Hundreds of Americans in over a dozen states – from California to North Carolina – have been sickened by the latest chicken meat salmonella outbreak. Over 40 percent of those infected have been hospitalized, and it’s been reported that some of detected strains of Salmonella may be resistant to many antibiotics. Time will tell how severe, or perhaps even life-threatening, these illnesses will be.
Study Finds Chicken Nuggets Contain Blood Vessels, Nerves, and Skin
Pre-vegans might want to read this study before biting into another chicken nugget. Researchers at the University of Mississippi medical center dissected fast food chicken nuggets and found that they contained 50 percent or less chicken muscle tissue, with the rest being a mix of fat, blood vessels, cartilage, nerves, and pieces of bone.
Vegan Professional Bootcamps Give Veg Businesses a Marketing Edge
The concept is simple: the more vegan products in the marketplace, the more likely it is that people will try vegan goods! Vegan businesses are quickly taking root across the country. And, like every small business, these entrepreneurs face challenges. That’s where marketing firm Vegan Mainstream comes in! Founder Stephanie Redcross talked to us about her new Vegan Professional Bootcamp series, coming to Los Angeles on October 12!
Move Over Schnitzel: Oktoberfest in Germany Introduces Vegan Options
Germany’s Oktoberfest celebration is known for its meat-heavy cuisine — but, as event organizers note, times are changing. And, to stay on pace with the rise in vegetarian and vegan eating in Germany and throughout Europe, the event is adding vegan options, including vegan wine!