Big Dairy Pours Lies into Classrooms Through “Adopt a Cow” Program

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The enormous dairy industry’s taking a hit as shoppers turn away from cow’s milk. So, in an alarming move, the industry is looking to classrooms to build its consumer base. As popularity soars for non-dairy milks like almond, soy, and oat, sales of cow’s milk reportedly plummeted to the tune of $1 billion in 2018. So it is concerning (but …

New Dietary Guidelines: Big Ag Lobby Overpowers Science

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The new U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans are officially out — and health experts aren’t happy. Despite overwhelming evidence that heavy meat consumption contributes to heart disease, premature death, and cancer, the guidelines are conspicuously quiet about cutting back consumption. Sadly, these rules impact school meal programs, public nutrition efforts, and even food labels — so they influence the health of millions of Americans. Many leading …

Right to Farm… or Right to Harm?

smcdonaldAnimals, Legal Advocacy, News Leave a Comment

The meat industry has been fighting to keep the public in the dark. They’ve been feverishly working to pass dangerous ag-gag laws that would criminalize investigations of factory farms. Compassion Over Killing has been standing up for the public’s right to know what happens on factory farms every step of the way. Now, Big-Ag is pushing a new strategy: so-called …

Ag-Gag UPDATE: Shedding Light on the Truth

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The 2015 legislation session is now well underway in many states, and with this brings the next desperate round of Ag-Gag bill attempts. In fact, Washington state just introduced such a bill  – it aims to criminalize undercover recordings on factory farms and slaughterhouses, similar in nature to laws previously passed in Utah, Idaho, and North Dakota. It’s no wonder that …

Corporate Bullying: Sustainable Foods Stand Up & Speak Out

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Industrial food and Big Ag are feeling the heat — it’s from a fire created by the development of a strong wholesome sustainable food movement, and there are some clear and obvious signs that it’s getting too hot to handle. Two months ago, Compassion Over Killing shared the outrageous news that Unilever, the $60B multi-national corporate makers of Hellmann’s mayonnaise filed …