Ag-Gag UPDATE: Shedding Light on the Truth

smcdonaldLegal Advocacy, News, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

The 2015 legislation session is now well underway in many states, and with this brings the next desperate round of Ag-Gag bill attempts. In fact, Washington state just introduced such a bill  – it aims to criminalize undercover recordings on factory farms and slaughterhouses, similar in nature to laws previously passed in Utah, Idaho, and North Dakota. It’s no wonder that …


Victory: Charge Dropped Against COK Investigator

smcdonaldInvestigations Leave a Comment

Recently, we told you about COK’s investigator Taylor Radig who went undercover in Colorado to expose extreme cruelty to newborn dairy calves. While her investigation led to criminal charges against three of the people shown abusing animals, perversely, the sheriff also charged Taylor herself with a crime, merely for witnessing the violence endured by these animals.