
The Meaning of Traditions on This Vegan Thanksgiving

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Holidays Leave a Comment

My eight-year-old came home last week with a reading passage on Thanksgiving and the meaning of traditions as part of his homework. As many third-grade assignments do, it was written in a way meant to dictate a certain set of principles and ask the children to “make an inference” about them – in this case, on the meaning of certain …

factory farms

John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” Blasts Factory Farms, Slaughterhouses

Piper HoffmanAnimals, Environment, Events, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 6 Comments

The last two episodes of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” showed in chilling and vivid detail how abuses in animal agribusiness cause animal suffering and environmental devastation as well as human illness, injury, and death.

woman on laptop with dog on bed

Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Social Distancing 

supportAnimals, Outreach, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

As people who do everything we can to stand up for animals, we can start feeling a bit helpless when confined to our homes. We may not be out and able to advocate for animals, or share a vegan meal with a pre-vegan, but luckily, there are still steps we can take to continue our activism in this strange new …

The Year of the Vegan: Our Actions for Animals in 2019

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, News Leave a Comment

Animal Outlook (formerly Compassion Over Killing) is an unwavering force for farmed animals, and your support has made 2019 one of our best years yet. As we look toward 2020 and our 25th year of compassion, here are a few ways we made the prediction that 2019 would be the “year of the vegan” come true. 1. Exposing cruelty to …


Dunkin’ Promises More Plant-Based Options at Shareholder Meeting

smcdonaldCampaigns, News Leave a Comment

Today, Animal Outlook put Dunkin’ in the hot seat for a vegan donut at its annual shareholder meeting–prompting a promising response that there are vegan options on the way. After adding almond milk to its menu in 2014, Dunkin’ has yet to cater to the tens of thousands of us asking for a vegan donut. But the CEO announced last …

COK’s Irina Anta Named Co-Chair of American Bar Association’s Animals in Agriculture Subcommittee

smcdonaldAnimals, Legal Advocacy Leave a Comment

From the courtrooms to the court of public opinion, Compassion Over Killing’s dedicated legal team tirelessly defends animals and strives for justice. Now, Irina Anta, COK Counsel, will be advocating for farmed animals in a new role in addition to her innovative work at COK. Irina has just been appointed as Co-Chair of the Animals in Agriculture Subcommittee of the …


ACTION ALERT: Tell McDonald’s To Do Better For Birds

smcdonaldCampaigns, News Leave a Comment

This week, activists pressured McDonald’s at their headquarters in Chicago and across the country, telling the fast food giant to do better by birds. You can take action too. Chickens raised for food are often bred for cruel rapid growth, becoming so unnaturally large at such a young age that many cannot even support their own weight. These birds suffer …