Six Reasons to Love Lambs and Be Sweet to Sheep

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns 9 Comments

As one of the first animals to be domesticated, sheep have lived alongside humans for nearly 11,000 years. Sadly, sheep and lambs have primarily been raised and used as a source of meat, wool and milk — despite the fact that they have distinctive personalities, rich emotional lives and strong family ties. Our latest undercover investigation, the first look inside …

House of Horrors for Farmed Animals Funded By Taxpayers

smcdonaldAnimals, Investigations, News Leave a Comment

Earlier this week, the New York Times admonished “the moral depths to which the federal government — working as a handmaiden to industrial agriculture — has sunk in pursuit of cheaper meat and fatter corporate profits.” The editorial board was referring to Michael Moss’ gut-wrenching expose of a facility in Nebraska, where pigs, cows, and lambs suffer immense cruelty – …