cooke aquaculture diseased fish

Aquaculture: The Painful Truth Beneath the Surface 

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating 15 Comments

When you think of the animal agriculture industry, what comes to mind? Cows, pigs and chickens? Many people aren’t aware of the cruel world of fish factory farming, or aquaculture.  Aquaculture presents serious environmental and other risks, yet it largely flies under the radar, although it’s coming under increasing scrutiny. I wasn’t truly aware of the dangers and horrors of …


165,000 Lives Lost in Tragic Fire

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 5 Comments

Just several days ago, 165,000 lives were lost in a fire. If anyone were to read a headline like that, they would undoubtedly refer to it as a tragedy and mourn the lives lost. But when the 165,000 lives are those of chickens imprisoned at an egg factory farm, the animal agriculture industry refers to that as an unfortunate loss …

International Women's Day

Celebrating International Women’s Day, Animal Rights Style

jennyAnimals, Investigations, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

International Women’s Day, Animal Rights Style In a movement often called a “boy’s club,” Animal Outlook is proud to be a women-led animal rights organization. Our president, Erica Meier, has been involved in animal protection since college and, in 2013, was honored with the prestigious Animal Rights Hall of Fame award. Our executive director, Cheryl Leahy, joined Animal Outlook in …

Bravo Packing

PRESS RELEASE: Animal Outlook Complaint Prompts FDA Inspection and Recall of Bravo Packing, Inc. Pet Foods

leggAnimals, Investigations, News 3 Comments

For immediate release Media contact: Jenny Hunter, Director of Communications Carney’s Point, New Jersey, March 4, 2021 — Bravo Packing, Inc. has recalled both its Performance Dog and its Ground Beef frozen raw pet foods due to possible contamination with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes following a complaint made by nationally recognized animal advocacy group Animal Outlook. Bravo (unaffiliated with …

factory farms

John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” Blasts Factory Farms, Slaughterhouses

Piper HoffmanAnimals, Environment, Events, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 6 Comments

The last two episodes of HBO’s “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” showed in chilling and vivid detail how abuses in animal agribusiness cause animal suffering and environmental devastation as well as human illness, injury, and death.

How Big Dairy Duped The New York Times

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 7 Comments

NYT Asks: Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows? We’ve Known the Answer for Years. Last October, we released a heartbreaking undercover investigation exposing horrific abuses of mother cows and their calves. Recently, The New York Times published an article highlighting our investigation, asking: “Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows?”  Our answer: Unequivocally, yes. But Big Dairy’s PR machine spun the …

Animal Outlook Demands Investigation of Bravo Packing

Will LowreyAnimals, Investigations, News 2 Comments

March 4, 2021 update: Following an FDA inspection prompted by our complaint, Bravo Packing, Inc. has recalled both its Performance Dog and its Ground Beef frozen raw pet foods due to possible contamination with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes. Has your pet become sick after eating these foods? Contact us at  Click here to view our full press release. Pet food maker Bravo …

Tyson Foods

Lawsuit Claims Tyson Foods Supervisors Bet on COVID-19 Positive Results

smcdonaldAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating 2 Comments

Slaughterhouses are breeding grounds for disease, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, communities around slaughterhouses and factory farms are being decimated by the virus. But instead of closing down, slowing lines or providing adequate personal protective equipment, Tyson Foods managers are taking bets on how many workers will test positive for the deadly virus.  In a lawsuit filed in November, the …