
165,000 Lives Lost in Tragic Fire

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, News, Veg Eating 5 Comments

Just several days ago, 165,000 lives were lost in a fire. If anyone were to read a headline like that, they would undoubtedly refer to it as a tragedy and mourn the lives lost. But when the 165,000 lives are those of chickens imprisoned at an egg factory farm, the animal agriculture industry refers to that as an unfortunate loss …

Arizona Jail

Arizona Jail Goes Meat-Free

smcdonaldVeg Eating 5 Comments

Think vegetarian eating is expensive? Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio would disagree. In fact, Sheriff Joe recently announced that all jails in Maricopa County will now serve 100 percent meat-free meals, and he expects this menu change to save taxpayers $100,000.