
USDA Inspector Describes Filth and Mistreatment of “Model” High-Speed Slaughterhouse

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In 2015, an Animal Outlook investigation revealed the horrors of high-speed pig slaughter. Our shocking footage shows animals being beaten, dragged and improperly stunned; much of the most egregious treatment was inflicted on “downer” animals who were too sick or weak to walk. Our investigator also witnessed dead pigs with pus-filled abscesses being processed for human consumption and a supervisor …

woman on laptop with dog on bed

Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Social Distancing 

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As people who do everything we can to stand up for animals, we can start feeling a bit helpless when confined to our homes. We may not be out and able to advocate for animals, or share a vegan meal with a pre-vegan, but luckily, there are still steps we can take to continue our activism in this strange new …

Speechless & Shocked: Animal Outlook’s Investigator Response to Injustice to Cows

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When I worked at Martin Farms as an undercover investigator for Animal Outlook, witnessing gentle mother cows being beaten and abused, I told myself over and over: I can do this. I can bear witness; it will all be worth it in the end. It will all be worth it because their stories would be told to thousands of people, …

How Animal Outlook is Responding to COVID-19

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March 17, 2020 Animal Outlook is aiming to take proactive measures in response to the uncertainties and growing concerns related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11.  Being mindful of the safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, supporters and the wider community and in an effort to flatten the curve, …