Animal Outlook opposes all forms of oppression, including racism, and we will not tolerate racism inside or outside of our organization.
The Life of a Chicken
Nine billion chickens are raised – and killed – for meat each year in the United States. Stand up for chickens by keeping them off your plate.
This Mother’s Day, Protect All Mothers
Join me in standing up for all mothers by taking action for some of the most vulnerable among us – the gentle mother cows trapped in a cruel cycle of abuse.
Here’s Why You Should Contribute to Animal Protection on #GivingTuesdayNow
Today, on #GivingTuesdayNow, please consider contributing to the fight for animals. Every dollar donated today will be matched, dollar for dollar.
COVID-19 Hotspot Central Valley Meat’s Long History of Trouble
This is not the first time CVM has garnered attention: In 2012, our undercover video prompted the USDA to shut the plant down for unsanitary conditions.
USDA Inspector Describes Filth and Mistreatment of “Model” High-Speed Slaughterhouse
In 2015, an Animal Outlook investigation revealed the horrors of high-speed pig slaughter. Our shocking footage shows animals being beaten, dragged and improperly stunned; much of the most egregious treatment was inflicted on “downer” animals who were too sick or weak to walk. Our investigator also witnessed dead pigs with pus-filled abscesses being processed for human consumption and a supervisor …
Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Social Distancing
As people who do everything we can to stand up for animals, we can start feeling a bit helpless when confined to our homes. We may not be out and able to advocate for animals, or share a vegan meal with a pre-vegan, but luckily, there are still steps we can take to continue our activism in this strange new …
Speechless & Shocked: Animal Outlook’s Investigator Response to Injustice to Cows
When I worked at Martin Farms as an undercover investigator for Animal Outlook, witnessing gentle mother cows being beaten and abused, I told myself over and over: I can do this. I can bear witness; it will all be worth it in the end. It will all be worth it because their stories would be told to thousands of people, …
How Animal Outlook is Responding to COVID-19
March 17, 2020 Animal Outlook is aiming to take proactive measures in response to the uncertainties and growing concerns related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which the World Health Organization declared a pandemic on March 11. Being mindful of the safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, supporters and the wider community and in an effort to flatten the curve, …