
When A Fight Over Language Is Actually About The Right To Know The Truth

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Investigations, Legal Advocacy, Veg Eating 12 Comments

You may have noticed more debate recently about the issue of humanewashing, which is the meat, dairy and egg industries’ practice of telling consumers through advertising, on packaging and elsewhere with claims and imagery, that the animals were treated well. To put a finer point on it, these messages are intended to deceive consumers into believing that the products they …


Four Meaningful Legal Victories For Farmed Animals

Will LowreyAnimals, Investigations, Legal Advocacy 9 Comments

July 28, 2021 update:  On July 28, 2021, Animal Outlook and our coalition partners achieved another courtroom victory for farmed animals. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected another challenge from the meat industry to California’s Proposition 12, a law that bans the intensive confinement of egg-laying hens, mother pigs and calves used for veal. In …


Our Legal Advocacy Interns & Externs: In Their Own Words

jennyLegal Advocacy 2 Comments

Each law school semester — spring, summer and fall — Animal Outlook’s Legal Advocacy Program hosts two to four law students as externs or interns to work with us using the legal system to fight the systemic injustices of factory farming.  Our interns and externs work under the direct supervision of our attorneys and play a vital role, contributing meaningful …

proposition 12

VICTORY: CA Upholds Proposition 12 Limiting Cruel Confinement Despite Industry Pushback

smcdonaldAnimals, Legal Advocacy, News, Victories 4 Comments

A coalition of animal protection groups including Animal Outlook have won a fight to uphold California’s historic Proposition 12. This victory comes despite opposition from the North American Meat Institute (NAMI). Proposition 12 The proposition, passed in 2018, supplements prior legislation that prohibits cruel confinement practices for egg-laying hens, pigs, and calves used for veal, as well as the sale …

chickens in factory farm

Animal Outlook Sues USDA (Again) Over Reckless High-Speed Chicken Slaughter

supportInvestigations, Legal Advocacy 2 Comments

Animal Outlook, alongside the Humane Society of the United States, the Government Accountability Project (GAP), Marin Humane Society, and Mercy for Animals, just filed its second lawsuit against the USDA’s reckless high-speed slaughter program—this time, on behalf of the billions of chickens slaughtered in the US every year.  Animal Outlook’s recent investigation of high-speed chicken slaughter plant Amick Farms revealed …


Animal Outlook and Other Animal Protection Groups Sue USDA over Slaughter of Sick, Injured Pigs

supportAnimals, Health, Investigations, Legal Advocacy, News Leave a Comment

Animal Outlook, alongside six other animal protection groups, sued Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today for failing to protect pigs who are too sick or injured to walk at slaughterhouses, posing serious risks to animals and food safety. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Rochester, New York, challenges the USDA’s failure to …