
Big Ag’s Addiction to Antibiotics Could Kill 10 Million People Each Year by 2050

smcdonaldAnimals, Health, News Leave a Comment

The discovery of penicillin in the 1920’s was a medical breakthrough. Who of us hasn’t relied on antibiotics to cure an infection at some point in our lives? Yet, today in the US, 80% of antibiotics aren’t used to treat people – they’re fed to factory-farmed animals. Why? For decades, Big Ag has been pumping these drugs into animals as …

Nasdaq offers advice: Don’t invest in meat

smcdonaldNews, Uncategorized 1 Comment

While meat has long been considered a staple of the American diet, consumer eating habits are clearly shifting towards healthier and more sustainable plant-based foods. This trend is changing the food landscape so extensively, so quickly that it even has the financial world planning for the possible “death of meat.” The Nasdaq Stock Market, which is the largest stock exchange in …

Don’t Skip a Beat: It’s American Heart Month!

smcdonaldHealth, News, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

With Valentine’s Day falling smack dab in the middle of the month, it seems fitting that February is “American Heart Month.” Did you know that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is currently – and has been since about the 1930s — the leading cause of death for men and women in the US? Alarmingly, …

Sandwich Nation

smcdonaldCampaigns, News, Uncategorized, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Americans eat over 300 million sandwiches a day – that’s almost as many sandwiches as there are people in this country! And with almost 43,000 stores in 107 countries (over 25,000 of them in the US), Subway is one of the most popular places people turn to for a good ol’ sarnie. How did such a convenient culinary combination come …


More Companies Deliver on Dairy-Free Demand

smcdonaldUncategorized, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Despite the dairy industry’s multi-million dollar advertising campaigns (Got Milk?), government-sponsored programs that push milk, and even ridiculous efforts to slam non-dairy alternatives, milk consumption in the U.S. is steadily declining. In fact, a recent report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture confirms that each generation drinks less and less milk than the one prior. Simply put, Americans are moving on. …