woman on laptop with dog on bed

Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Social Distancing 

supportAnimals, Outreach, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

As people who do everything we can to stand up for animals, we can start feeling a bit helpless when confined to our homes. We may not be out and able to advocate for animals, or share a vegan meal with a pre-vegan, but luckily, there are still steps we can take to continue our activism in this strange new …

Seven Vegan Egg Replacements for Baking

smcdonaldblog, Health, Recipes 3 Comments

We’re here to show you why vegan baking is a piece of cake. Anything you’re baking–muffins, bread, cakes or brownies–can be made vegan with just a few tweaks. Gone are the days of relying on cruelly produced cow’s milk and eggs to make a delectable dessert. For some baking ideas and “accidentally vegan” baking mixes, check out our video with …

boca turk'y burger

BOCA Debuts Vegan Turk’y Burger

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Health, Kraft a Better Boca, News, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

As nearly 50,000 people join our campaign, Kraft Heinz has debuted another fully vegan item in their BOCA line: a one-of-a-kind vegan turk’y burger. Plant-based foods continue to gain popularity, but a 100 percent plant-based turk’y burger is one we haven’t seen yet. But for vegans and pre-vegans alike it offers a great alternative to its cruel animal-based counterpart. Each …

New Vegan Cookbook Recreates All the Egg Dishes You Love

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As consumers are increasingly aware, the “incredible edible egg” isn’t so incredible after all. Factory farms are known for their horrific cruelty to chickens, and 95% of egg-laying hens spend their lives in cages so small they can’t even spread their wings. Not only is the painful reality for chickens raised for eggs and meat on factory farms, exposed time and again by …

Egg Alternatives Market to Crack $1.5B by 2026

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Egg-laying hens are forced to endure some of the most horrific abuses in animal agribusiness. Compassion Over Killing has long worked to defend these smart and social animals — from our legal advocacy that’s cracked open the truth behind “Animal Care Certified” egg labels misleading consumers, to many COK investigations exposing the painful reality for chickens raised for eggs and meat on factory farms. COK campaigns have …


Vegan Eating In The Spotlight

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Vegan eating is more popular than ever. Here, fashion and lifestyle magazine Vogue highlights a vegan pop tart recipe from Rawcells, calling it a “healthier version” of the well-known toaster treat, and adds that one look at the Rawcells Instagram page might convince you to go vegan. Other publications are putting plants on their pages (digital or otherwise) too. SELF just posted four …

Just Mayo Can Still Be Called Mayo, FDA Rules

smcdonaldCampaigns, Health, News 1 Comment

Just Mayo is still mayo, says FDA According to a new ruling by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Just Mayo, which is made without eggs, can still be called mayo.  And while this may not have been a debate in most consumers’ minds, the egg industry has tried to thwart the success of this popular plant-based product that has …