
What The Dairy Narrative Is Missing: Lessons Learned From Years Of Investigations In Our Movement

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Investigations 1 Comment

There has been an uptick in public interest in switching to what used to be called “dairy alternatives,” language that still implicitly places the vegan options in the outsider position and puts cow’s milk in the dominant frame. Now, people refer to non-dairy milk products as “plant milks,” bringing them right to the center of the table –quite literally— and …


Dairy: The Life of a Cow, From Birth to Slaughter

jennyAnimals, Investigations 12 Comments

Real-life undercover footage of the dairy industry shows the truth about animal agriculture Animal Outlook’s new video takes viewers on an intimate journey through the life of a farmed animal in the dairy industry from birth to slaughter, using real-life original footage from its undercover investigations. In this video — the first in what Animal Outlook will release as a series …

Undercover Investigator Goes Public to Reveal Animal Cruelty on California Dairy Farm

smcdonaldUncategorized 30 Comments

“Dead on arrival” dairy is failing cows–and failing with consumers San Jacinto, CA — October 8, 2020 — After a two-year career working undercover inside several factory farms, Animal Outlook investigator Erin Wing now reveals her identity, stepping out of the shadows to shine a light on the stomach-churning horrors she witnessed at her most recent — and last — …

Speechless & Shocked: Animal Outlook’s Investigator Response to Injustice to Cows

supportAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

When I worked at Martin Farms as an undercover investigator for Animal Outlook, witnessing gentle mother cows being beaten and abused, I told myself over and over: I can do this. I can bear witness; it will all be worth it in the end. It will all be worth it because their stories would be told to thousands of people, …

Big Dairy Pours Lies into Classrooms Through “Adopt a Cow” Program

smcdonaldNews 3 Comments

The enormous dairy industry’s taking a hit as shoppers turn away from cow’s milk. So, in an alarming move, the industry is looking to classrooms to build its consumer base. As popularity soars for non-dairy milks like almond, soy, and oat, sales of cow’s milk reportedly plummeted to the tune of $1 billion in 2018. So it is concerning (but …

Save the Planet: Ditch Dairy

smcdonaldNews Leave a Comment

It’s time to face the facts: animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion. And combined with other environmental threats, it has us cruising for a huge climate crisis in as soon as twelve years. According to recent research, meat and dairy take up a whopping 83% of total farmland, while providing only 18% …