Chances are good that if you’re reading this blog, you care about animals. In fact, polls show that most Americans do. Not only do we overwhelmingly favor laws to protect animals from harm, more than half of homes in the US have at least one companion animal and 50% of pet owners consider their furry friends as much a part …
Rancho Meat Recall Roundup: Cows with Cancer and a Criminal Investigation
In what started out in January as a recall of 40,000 pounds of meat that was processed without the full USDA inspection process has spiraled into a massive 9-million-pound meat recall and a criminal investigation after it was discovered that cows with cancer may have been secretly slaughtered for food. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Rancho Feeding Corp., a …
At The Sochi Olympics, Vegans are Champions
Vegan athletes at the Sochi Olympics To compete in the Olympic Games, athletes must be at their peak physical performance. Russian bobsledder Alexey Voyevoda and Canadian figure skater Meagan Duhamel prove that powerhouse plant-based foods are the way to gain energy, recover quickly and win medals. Meagan Duhamel, competing in the 2014 Sochi Olympics, won a silver medal in team …
Diarrhea: It’s What’s for Dinner—What the Pork Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know
Did you ever wonder why people sometimes don’t always feel so well after eating pork? Well, as the saying goes … you are what you eat. A new investigation released today by The Humane Society of the United States shines a spotlight on the routine horrors forced upon female pigs who are kept locked inside crates – and it also …
COK Update: USDA Shuts Down California Dairy Cow Slaughter Plant – Again
As reported yesterday afternoon by the Los Angeles Times, the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) just shut down Central Valley Meat, a California dairy cow slaughterhouse, for failing to meet standards relating to cleanliness. Feb 19 Update: COK learned this afternoon that the USDA lifted its suspension earlier today, and Central Valley Meat is back in operation. Stay tuned for …
10 Dogs Who Eat Plants – and Aren’t Ashamed to Admit it
Sometimes our furry friends do the funniest and most endearing things that we, of course, love to talk about. Sometimes that includes stealthily sneaking around to indulge in delicious foods not necessarily intended for them. Who can blame them though? Everyone loves fruits and veggies! So we’ve collected 10 of our favorite photos of dogs who are demonstrating that, like …
300,000 Birds Die in Fire at Wisconsin Egg Factory Farm
Last week, a four-alarm fire broke out at S&R Egg Farm in Wisconsin’s Walworth County – more than 100 firefighters were called out to battle the blaze. After the fire was put out, a WISN 12 news report declared “no injuries” and the company’s website further confirmed that it’s “happy to report no injuries.” In reality though, an estimated 300,000 …
New Investigation Reveals Shocking Cruelty to Pigs
Yesterday, Mercy For Animals released a new undercover video revealing horrific cruelty to pigs at a company that supplies meat to Walmart. Secretly recorded by an investigator working inside a pig breeding factory farm in Pipestone, Minnesota, the footage shows workers punching, kicking, and screaming at animals; slamming fully-conscious baby pigs into the ground headfirst; and slicing off tails of piglets without any painkillers.
Reported Strange Noises were Mother Cows Crying for their Calves
Last week, the Newbury, Massachusetts police station received several calls from residents complaining of strange sounds coming from nearby farm. Upon investigating, the police found the source of the noise: female dairy cows who were bellowing and crying after having been separated from their calves at Sunshine Dairy Farm.