pork industry

Diarrhea: It’s What’s for Dinner—What the Pork Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know

smcdonaldAnimals 1 Comment

Did you ever wonder why people sometimes don’t always feel so well after eating pork? Well, as the saying goes … you are what you eat.

A new investigation released today by The Humane Society of the United States shines a spotlight on the routine horrors forced upon female pigs who are kept locked inside crates – and it also reveals shocking pork industry practices that might make you lose your lunch. (Video embedded below)

While working undercover inside Iron Maiden Farm, a pig breeding factory in Kentucky, an HSUS investigator documented workers taking the body parts of dead piglets, primarily their intestines, and blending them up to feed back to their mothers. Alarmed? It gets worse.

Turns out this “feedback” practice is actually not uncommon within the industry. Turns out the pork industry doesn’t think it’s a problem to turn pigs into cannibals. In fact, a 2012 COK investigation inside a pig breeding factory farm in Iowa documented the same disturbing practice.

But when Nicholas Kristof from the New York Times pressured the industry to explain why it’s turning pigs into cannibals, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians not only defended the practice but further clarified that increasingly, the industry is starting to use the diarrhea from dead piglets and turning that into food for mother pigs.

Yes, diarrhea is actually what’s for dinner.

Of course, this is in addition to the cruel and barbaric practice of nearly immobilizing these smart and social animals inside narrow metal gestation crates. This intensive confinement causes so much suffering, both physically and mentally, that welfare concerns have already prompted nine US states as well as the entire European Union to ban gestation crates.

Take action for animals now: Please spread the word — use this button to post on twitter today —> pork industry

And please let others know that the most effective step each of us can take to protect animals is to simply leave them off our plates. Start today by visiting TryVeg.com.

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