One of our favorite health resources,, just got a new look – and we are absolutely loving it! The new and improved site, produced by the esteemed nutritional expert Dr. Michael Greger, features short videos and blogs on the latest in clinical nutrition that are as entertaining as they are educational. The site covers nearly two thousand health topics from gluten-free …
What’s Our Favorite Day of the Week? (Hint: It’s NOT Friday!)
We love Meatless Monday – and so do millions of Americans. This campaign is celebrated far and wide, in cities from coast to coast and across the globe, as a simple and fun way to help protect our health, the environment, and animals. Did you know Meatless Monday was first initiated by the US government during World War I? It was …
Campaign Victory: Dunkin’ Now Offers Almond Milk
Dunkin’, the world’s largest coffee and baked goods chain, has more than 7,500 locations throughout the United States, including its first Los Angeles location that opened during Labor Day weekend. Yet, it’s one of the only national coffee chains that hasn’t offered dairy-free milk to all customers – until now, thanks to your requests. We’re thrilled to share this We …
Give A Cluck: It’s National Chicken Month!
Did you know that September is National Chicken Month? At least that’s what the chicken industry has declared. So we’ve decided to join in on the celebration — with our own compassionate spin, of course! Like all birds, chickens are smart animals with unique personalities as well as complex and meaningful social relationships. In fact, their intelligence is so advanced …
On the Cover: It’s a Vegan Runner’s World!
The October issue of Runner’s World is a Nutrition Special that boasts the magazine’s makeover – it’s “more inspiring, useful, and delightful.” Most notably, though, there’s a vegan runner featured on the cover of this mainstream publication: Micah Risk. After admiring those awesome VEGAN socks, you might be wondering, who is Micah Risk? As Runner’s World explains, “She’s a regular …
This Labor Day, Enjoy an Extinction-Free BBQ!
Did you know that raising animals for food causes more environmental degradation — global warming, water & air pollution, resource depletion and biodiversity loss — than any other industry? Moreover, did you know that it’s not just farmed animals who suffer? Animal agriculture impacts wildlife. too. According to the Center for Biological Diversity, grazing affects 14% of endangered animals and 33% of …
Study: Kids with Pets More Likely to Avoid Meat as Adults
Did you grow up with a dog or cat and, looking back now as an adult, attribute that relationship to having played some kind of role in your interest in becoming a vegetarian or vegan? If so, you’re definitely on to something. And you’re in good company. According to a new study published in the journal Appetite, children who develop …
Vote for Compassion Over Killing in the Veggie Awards!
If we ever needed a reminder of the abundance of amazing vegan food, restaurants, cookbooks, products, or blogs available to us today, VegNews’ 2014 Veggie Awards is it! Take a 15-minute break to be awed by the options and choose your favorites — including Compassion Over Killing for Favorite Nonprofit Animal Organization! Vote for us (survey question #30!) and you’ll be entered into a …
Tyson Foods Facing Criminal Investigation for Polluting Water and Killing Fish
In addition to being exposed in undercover videos for shocking animal abuse, Tyson Foods has also been in the news for food safety issues, meat recalls, and worker safety issues that have resulted in federal fines. Now, this multinational corporation – which is the second largest meat producer in the world – is the focus of a criminal investigation by the Environmental …