Five Ways to Greet the Great Pumpkin

smcdonaldUncategorized, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

It’s the time of year where everybody’s looking up: the leaves hanging overhead are ablaze with the fire and gold of fall, and cool indigo skies are darkening earlier each night. With so much to look at up there, don’t forget what’s beneath your feet: PUMPKINS! From large decorative pumpkins to small sweet pumpkins and everything in between –the choices …

food waste

Food Waste in America: From Slaughterhouse to Landfill

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, News, Veg Eating 1 Comment

Last month, world leaders convened in New York City for the UN Climate Summit sparking headlines around the world.  While scientists and politicians continue to debate the causes of and solutions to climate change, one topic gaining attention outside of the board rooms is food waste. According to a recent article in The Washington Post, “Roughly a third of the …