My eight-year-old came home last week with a reading passage on Thanksgiving and the meaning of traditions as part of his homework. As many third-grade assignments do, it was written in a way meant to dictate a certain set of principles and ask the children to “make an inference” about them – in this case, on the meaning of certain …
Calling All Dinner Hosts: 5 Ways to Be a Vegan Ally this Thanksgiving
When a vegan is invited to a dinner party, one question always pops up in their mind: Will there be anything for me to eat? Often, along with this question comes anxiety (Is it weird if I ask for the ingredients in their recipes? Should I just bring my own food?). If you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, you can ease …
Eleven Madison Park and The Future of Vegan Cuisine
“I have to ask, how was Eleven Madison Park? Was it worth the money? I read the New York Times review yesterday. Scathing.” This, from the young woman who sat down across from me on the subway as I was riding home after spending the previous three and a half hours dining at one of New York’s most exclusive restaurants …
Our 5 Favorite Vegan Halloween Treats
With summer behind us, stores are breaking out the fall decor: pumpkins, scarecrows and best of all, Halloween decorations. Halloween is a great time to switch to vegan alternatives to classic Halloween candy — here are our five favorites. Sour Patch Kids These sweet and sour candies are primarily made from corn syrup, sugar and food coloring. A real crowd-pleaser. …
Vegan In NYC: Top 5 Picks From Animal Outlook’s New Yorkers
Vegan in NYC Broadway is reopening and autumn leaves are beckoning. For those of you planning a visit to the Big Apple, we asked our team’s resident New Yorkers about vegan fare in their home city. We’ve got Manhattan and Brooklyn covered — here’s what Sharon (Upper Westsider and chief of staff) and Piper (Brooklynite and senior director of legal …
12 Fast Food Chains That Serve Vegan Options
Being vegan doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in fast food. With fast food chains adding more and more vegan options to their menus, there are many options to choose from. Check out our list below to find out what’s out there: Chipotle Chipotle is a great place to get a quick bite if you’re vegan. Their salsas, fajita veggies, corn, …
Land O’Fakes: How The False Narrative Of The Happy Farm Hides The Truth About Animal Agriculture’s Impact On The Planet
Picture a farm as it might be portrayed in a children’s story or a television commercial. A red barn. Perhaps a rolling hill with a lone oak tree at the crest. Cows, pigs and chickens dot the landscape, each one idly enjoying the sunshine and green grass. The subtext of these images is clear: This is a peaceful, happy place. …
Our Five Favorite Celebrity Vegan Recipes
There are so many ways to spice up your plant-based meals and snacks. Check out these five famous and flavorful recipes: Tracye McQuirter: Banana Walnut Mini Muffins Vegan for 34 years, best-selling author, award-winning public health nutritionist and trailblazer Tracye McQuirter has been teaching people how to go cut meat, dairy and eggs out of their diets with ease and …
The Ultimate Vegan Starbucks List
Starbucks offers a variety of vegan drink and food options in addition to menu items that can be easily veganized with a few adjustments.* From coffee to tea and breakfast to lunch, Starbucks is sure to have something vegan that can fix your craving. Here’s a list of vegan options to try. Food, Snacks & Sweets Breakfast and Bakery: Bagels …