USDA: Halt High-Speed Slaughter Expansion

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USDA: Halt high-speed slaughter expansion In an effort led by Congresswomen Rosa DeLauro (CT) and Louise Slaughter (NY), a bi-partisan group of 60 members of congress signed a powerfully-worded letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack urging the federal agency to delay the potential expansion of HIMP, a dangerous reduced-inspection, high-speed pig slaughter pilot program. The USDA previously said that its decision would come …

New Video Shows McDonald’s Supplier Clubbing Birds

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The secret ingredient in McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets is no longer a secret. A newly-released investigative video (below) by Mercy For Animals uncovers the brutal truth: animal cruelty. The gruesome footage reveals shocking abuses to birds at Tyson Foods, one of the world’s largest meat producers and a supplier of McDonald’s McNuggets. The video, filmed at a factory farm in Tennessee, …

Chrystal’s Story: Why I Went Undercover

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Chrystal Ferber didn’t grow up thinking some day she’d wear a hidden camera and risk it all by going behind the closed doors of a giant industry desperate to keep its dark and violent secrets tucked away from public view. In fact, when she watched an undercover video of factory farming for the first time, she was so horrified, she …

NC Gov. Vetoes Ag-Gag, Update: Legislature Overrides Veto

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June 3, 2015 Update: Despite the Governor’s veto of this ag-gag bill, the House & Senate in North Carolina just voted to override that veto. This dangerous bill will now become law, going into effect on Jan. 1, 2016. Stay tuned for more details. North Carolina’s 2015 ag-gag bill (HB405) has officially been defeated!  By vetoing this dangerous bill that …

chicken industry

Powerful Documentary Blows Whistle on Chicken Industry

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Fusion TV just released an in-depth investigative documentary exposing the underbelly of the chicken industry – from the abuse and neglect forced upon animals to the unfair conditions endured by contractors to marketing claims that are misleading consumers. The documentary is based on Craig Watts, a North Carolina contract farmer who has raised chickens for Perdue since the early 1990’s, …

Foie Gras No More!

Victory for Ducks and Geese: US Supreme Court Allows CA’s Foie Gras Ban to Stand

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In yet another victory for animals, the Supreme Court of the United States yesterday declined to hear a challenge to California’s foie gras ban, allowing the prohibition on the sale of this cruel product to remain in effect. California has banned the production and sale of foie gras, a so-called “delicacy” made from the diseased livers of ducks and geese, …

farm animal abuse

Farm Animal Abuse – When is Animal Abuse Not a Crime?

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Earlier this week, the New York Times featured an article highlighting the increasing number and strength of criminal prosecutions for animal abuse. Conspicuously absent, however, was any discussion of the criminal categorization, or lack thereof, of farm animal abuse. Only two federal laws – the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act and the so-called 28 Hour Law – minimally protect animals raised …

north carolina

COK Investigation Update: Burying Birds Alive is Apparently Not a Crime in North Carolina

smcdonaldInvestigations 1 Comment

Aug. 6 Update: A concerned North Carolina resident just launched a petition sending a message to authorities: “Burying animals alive is cruel and should be prosecuted.” Please lend your voice by signing it now! “We’re gonna drop them in the pit just like they are… Mother nature takes care of the rest.” That’s what our investigator was told—on hidden camera—by a long-time …


New Study Reveals Fish Can Multitask. Yes, Multitask.

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Fish are incredible animals. Sure, they may look and act differently than our cats and dogs at home, but new research continues to reveal that they are complex, intelligent animals. We’ve already confirmed that these sea creatures are fully capable of feeling pain. And we know they use tools. But who would have guessed these animals can multitask, too? According …