CNN’s “The Last Heart Attack” Reaches Millions with Pro-Vegan Message

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cnn-the-last-heart-attack-500x279.jpgCNN recently aired a one-hour special, hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta, exploring the causes of and various treatments for America’s number one killer: heart disease. As he talks with medical experts as well as patients suffering from heart disease, and after spending a year investigating the issue, Dr. Gupta concludes that “with what we know right now, we could see the last heart attack in America.”

He’s referring to a “food-based prescription” that could save lives, and he sums it up by suggesting we should eat “nothing with a mother, nothing with a face.”

New Documentary: Got the Facts on Milk?

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gotthefactson%20milk-225x335.jpgIf you’re like most Americans, chances are you grew up drinking lots of milk. In fact, you were probably taught that you need milk for strong bones and teeth. What you might not have learned is that the health benefits of cow’s milk are often overrated — and, what’s worse, dairy consumption has been shown to actually be harmful to our bodies.   

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton on Heart-Healthy Eating: No Meat, No Milk, No Eggs

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bill%20-%20no%20meat%20-%20grist-280x186Looking back at his days in the White House, former President Bill Clinton is remembered for many things—his love of hamburgers and doughnuts being one of them. Fast forward to 2011, and in a one-hour special airing this Sunday on CNN, Clinton talks with Dr. Sanjay Gupta about his dietary transformation to vegan eating, explaining: “I like the vegetables, the fruits, the beans, the stuff I eat now.”

One Month Later: Pita Pit Declares its New Vegan Patty a Success

smcdonaldCampaigns, Health, Veg Eating, Victories Leave a Comment

pitapit-promo-240x197.jpgOn May 9, we announced that after working with Compassion Over Killing, Pita Pit, a national quick-service sandwich chain with more than 100 locations, started offering a new vegan black bean patty on all of its menus. We’ve got even more good news to share: in just four short weeks since the launch of this vegan patty, the company considers it a huge hit!   

Paul Erwin, Chief Financial Executive of Pita Pit told COK, “We know that a growing number of our customers – and consumers everywhere – are looking for delicious and nutritious heart-healthy options and are also increasingly concerned about animal welfare issues. That’s why we’re excited to introduce a hearty all-vegan black bean patty to our menus nationwide.”