In addition to being exposed in undercover videos for shocking animal abuse, Tyson Foods has also been in the news for food safety issues, meat recalls, and worker safety issues that have resulted in federal fines. Now, this multinational corporation – which is the second largest meat producer in the world – is the focus of a criminal investigation by the Environmental …
New Study Reveals Fish Can Multitask. Yes, Multitask.
Fish are incredible animals. Sure, they may look and act differently than our cats and dogs at home, but new research continues to reveal that they are complex, intelligent animals. We’ve already confirmed that these sea creatures are fully capable of feeling pain. And we know they use tools. But who would have guessed these animals can multitask, too? According …
COK Investigation Update: Pilgrim’s Responds, Calls Acts on Video “Unacceptable”
Late last month, CNN aired an exclusive, in-depth report breaking COK’s latest undercover video exposing shocking cruelty to chickens at a North Carolina factory farm that supplies Pilgrim’s, the second-largest chicken slaughterer in the world. Our heartbreaking footage uncovers horrors that include birds genetically manipulated to grow so obese, they suffer from painful and debilitating leg deformities, sick or injured …
New Movie “Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret” Puts Environmental Executives in the Hot Seat
Like many of us, Kip Anderson was inspired by Al Gore’s 2006 documentary, An Inconvenient Truth. An environmentalist at heart, Kip was quick to incorporate the film’s suggestions in an effort to reduce his carbon footprint. But he wanted to do more so he could have more of a meaningful impact and that’s when he discovered that the single greatest …
Speciesism: You’ll never look at animals the same way again, especially humans
That’s what Speciesism: The Movie promises viewers with its entertaining and informative examination of factory farms. Here’s what monthly columnist for Scientific American had to say after seeing the film: “When I entered the theater to see Mark Devries’s film Speciesism: The Movie I was a speciesist. When I came out I could no longer justify the treatment of animals with any …
Survey Says: 10% of Sweden Now Vegan or Vegetarian
According to the Independent, a new poll commissioned by Animal Rights Sweden shows that 10% of Swedes identify as vegan or vegetarian — that’s nearly one million people. This number has increased by 4% over the past five years and is expected to rise, particularly among younger demographics, 17% of whom described themselves as vegan or vegetarian. Of the one in 10 Swedes …
Eating Meat Threatens Wolves, Polar Bears to Extinction
We already know that forgoing meat saves lives: it helps protect farmed animals as well as our own personal health. According to Stephanie Feldstein, population and sustainability director for the Center for Biological Diversity, cutting back on burgers may save even more lives than we thought: In her recent article published on Huffington Post, she explains: “Most people don’t think …
10 Farmed Animals who are Mischievous – and Aren’t Ashamed to Admit it
Chances are good that if you’re reading this blog, you care about animals. In fact, polls show that most Americans do. Not only do we overwhelmingly favor laws to protect animals from harm, more than half of homes in the US have at least one companion animal and 50% of pet owners consider their furry friends as much a part …
New Study Confirms: Crabs and Lobsters Feel Pain
Did you know that lobsters sometimes walk hand-in-hand (or claw in claw) with older lobsters leading the young? Or that they can live to be 100? A new study highlighted in the Washington Post reveals that crustaceans like crabs and lobsters feel pain, and they are even more complex than we once thought. According to researcher Robert Elwood who initiated …