McDonald's chicken

McDonald’s Chicken: Activists Demand Better Treatment for Birds

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns, Events, McDonald's, News, Outreach, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

…as “broiler birds”), McDonald’s continues to resist these measures. Chickens raised on factory farms in McDonald’s supply chain are bred for rapid growth, resulting in a short life of pain….

Dunkin' egg

Video Exposes Cruelty at Dunkin’ Egg Supplier

and requesting the company offer egg-free options. Due to the company’s lack of action on this issue, we launched a campaign website,, urging the company the make meaningful changes….

Kip Andersen on ‘What the Health:’ It’s ‘So Liberating to Free Yourself from this Horrific Industry’

leggHealth 2 Comments

…This is what True Health is all about – where health supersedes your own bubble to include all others’ health as well, including all animals and the planet.  …