Has USDA Told the Truth About Worker Safety?

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As the USDA continues attempts to pass a dangerous new high-speed pig slaughter rule, things are getting heated. After outcry from worker, food safety, and animal groups, as well as US legislators, the USDA’s Office of the Inspector General will be conducting a probe of the agency to see if it concealed information and used flawed data on worker injury …

An Interview with Mark Perlmutter of VegReady

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TryVeg had the opportunity to chat with Mark Perlmutter, the passionate vegan behind VegReady, a healthy and convenient vegan meal service. From his home in Peru where the meals are produced, Mark explained his motivation for starting the company: “VegReady strives to make ridiculously convenient plant-based meals, so that millions of non-vegans can begin replacing two fast food meals each …

National Chicken Council: Ban the Outdated, Barbaric Use of Nose Bones

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Have you ever seen or heard about these little plastic sticks or rods called “nose bones?” They look a bit like thick plastic toothpicks. In the chicken industry, workers are paid to take these “bones” and stab them through the sensitive nostrils of young male breeder birds. The practice is commonly referred to as “boning,” and it’s as barbaric as …

Vegan Runners Join Athletes Telling Dunkin’: We Want a Vegan Donut!

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Compassion Over Killing is teaming up with vegan runners Laura Kline, Fiona Oakes, and Mike Wardian to tell Dunkin’: We want to run on a vegan donut! Dunkin’s famous slogan is, “America runs on Dunkin’,” but as more and more consumers ditch cruel dairy and eggs, that is proving to no longer be the case! Sure, we will go to …

Raised & Rooted Tyson

Tyson’s “Plant-Based” News Isn’t Plant-Based At All

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After teasing a plant-based protein endeavor and telling Animal Outlook that it was “looking at plant protein as the future of protein,” Tyson Foods’ new Raised & Rooted brand falls short of the mark. The new brand, which Tyson is calling “plant-based” is, well, not plant-based at all. The brand’s debut products include nuggets that, while meatless, contain egg whites. …

House of Representatives Takes Steps to Prevent Cruel High-Speed Slaughter Program

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In a continued effort to fight the USDA’s cruel and reckless high-speed slaughter program, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee has approved the DeLauro-Price Amendment as part of the Fiscal Year 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill. This Amendment, sponsored by Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and David Price (D-NC), would block funding of the new rule until the Office of the …