Giant Cow Descends on Nestlé HQ Delivering 20k Petition Signatures

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Compassion Over Killing volunteers, along with a giant inflatable cow, just delivered more than 20,000 petition signatures to Nestlé’s doorstep in Arlington, Virginia. The petition, created after a Compassion Over Killing investigation revealed shocking cruelty at a dairy farm that supplied to Nestlé ice cream brands, urges the company to ban the cruel dehorning of young calves with a hot …

Activists Flock to Alexandria for McDonald’s Demonstration

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Following the Animal Rights National Conference, this past weekend over 140 activists flocked to McDonald’s in Alexandria, Virginia, to protest the terrible treatment of birds in the burger chain’s chicken supply line.  The demonstration was part of a coalition effort led by The Humane League, Compassion Over Killing, Animal Equality, and Mercy For Animals to encourage the fast food giant …