Giant Cow Descends on Nestlé HQ Delivering 20k Petition Signatures

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Compassion Over Killing volunteers, along with a giant inflatable cow, just delivered more than 20,000 petition signatures to Nestlé’s doorstep in Arlington, Virginia. The petition, created after a Compassion Over Killing investigation revealed shocking cruelty at a dairy farm that supplied to Nestlé ice cream brands, urges the company to ban the cruel dehorning of young calves with a hot iron burned into their flesh. 

Today COK’s 20-foot inflatable cow joined volunteers in a peaceful demonstration at Nestlé’s HQ against the hidden cruelty behind Nestlé’s ice cream: Hot irons are burned into calves’ flesh to destroy their horns and tissue in a cruel, unnecessary process known as “dehorning” or “disbudding.” Though Nestlé cut ties with Martin Farms where our investigator witnessed rampant cruelty, the company has yet to agree to meaningful welfare changes in its dairy supply lines. 

Watch coverage of the action on ABC7-WJLA

“Instead of the frolicking ‘happy cows’ we are shown in dairy commercials, at Martin Farms I documented extreme violence toward defenseless baby calves and mother cows, treated as nothing more than milk-producing machines—violence that was more horrific than anything I’d ever seen before,” said “Sam,” Compassion Over Killing’s Undercover Investigator who documented the abuse at Martin Farms.

Activists are responding. At the Arlington demonstration, volunteers held signs and handed out leaflets explaining that cutting ties with one farm isn’t enough. Nestlé has the responsibility to push the industry forward by ending this painful practice once and for all. 

COK also dished out free vegan ice cream samples to passerby, showing how delicious compassionate dairy-free options can be. As cow’s milk sales curdle, Nestlé can be a true food leader by churning out more vegan options, starting with its Edy’s and Dreyer’s ice cream brands.

Finally, volunteers delivered more than 20,000 petition signatures directly into the hands of Nestlé officials, making sure that the company hears your voices urging it to moo-ve in a compassionate direction.

TAKE ACTION: Drive the message home by sending a quick tweet to Nestlé urging it to end cruel horn removal and shift to compassionate vegan options TODAY!


Comments 2

  1. Shame shame– no one in these businesses seem to know or care about what the word ‘shame’ means. How did the loving adults who probably pampered and raised great kids succumb to acting this low? Why a humane society or government would tolerate it once the word is out – I’ll never know. Keep forwarding these stories!!!!

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