How Compassionate Students Rescued Buddy the Sheep

leggAnimals Leave a Comment

For children, compassion is innate. They see animals as friends not food, and understand that animals are worthy of love and respect. And thanks to the compassion of some very special children, Buddy the sheep was saved from senseless slaughter and is living the good life at Kindred Spirits Sanctuary in Ocala, Florida. The adorable sheep was raised by children as …

Six Reasons to Love Lambs and Be Sweet to Sheep

smcdonaldAnimals, Campaigns 9 Comments

As one of the first animals to be domesticated, sheep have lived alongside humans for nearly 11,000 years. Sadly, sheep and lambs have primarily been raised and used as a source of meat, wool and milk — despite the fact that they have distinctive personalities, rich emotional lives and strong family ties. Our latest undercover investigation, the first look inside …