Vegan Options at Subway

One Year Later: Vegan Options at Subway?

smcdonaldCampaigns, Health, Outreach, Veg Eating 2 Comments

Through Animal Outlook’s campaign website,, thousands of consumers have requested more substantial protein-packed vegan options at Subway – the world’s largest restaurant chain. As a growing number of Americans continue reaching for healthier and more humane options, how is the company responding to this increase in demand for hearty, meat-free meals?

One year ago this month, Subway introduced three vegan sandwiches as part of a test menu in eight DC-area locations. These plant-based options – a black bean patty, sweet riblet and Malibu Greek – were so popular that stores ran out of them in just a few short weeks.

Customers raved about the vegan sandwiches: “Just tried your new vegan riblet sandwich–it was SO good! My non-vegan co-workers were impressed by it, too.”

The media gobbled up the story with articles in The Huffington Post, ABC News,  FOX News,  Miami New Times, Long Island Press, and more. A taste test conducted by DCist resulted in this feature: “Fake Meat Never Tasted So Good.

During the testing phase, store managers and employees even praised the vegan menu. “I guess I’m going to be vegan now, all for the Malibu Greek,” one employee told the Washington Post. He noted that the franchise’s owner also devours about two or three of the vegan subs a day.

After the stores ran out of the vegan sandwiches, Subway ended the test. The managers we spoke with said sales were incredibly encouraging and they hoped vegan options would be added to the permanent menu soon. One year after this successful vegan test menu, Subway has yet to roll out a hearty, plant-based option in its 25,000 U.S. stores (though it does offer a “Totally Vegged” vegan patty in Canada).

So we touched base with several of these managers again to ask if they’re still getting requests for a vegan sub. The answer was a resounding “Yes.” According to one manager, “customers are still asking about them. Everybody liked them, even many non-vegan customers are asking about them.” Another manager acknowledged that the demand for vegan options is so significant, he’s been asking the company to let him put vegan options back on the menu. He suggested that maybe the company simply needs to hear more feedback from its customers, too.

That’s where you, the customer, come in: Visit now or call the main office at 203-877-4281 to tell the company you want protein-packed vegan options on the menu.

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