Showing Off Our Veggie Pride in Austin, LA, DC, and Baltimore!

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vegetarian vegan prideThroughout the month of June, teams of COK volunteers — from Los Angeles to Baltimore to Austin to Washington, DC — helped spread a message of compassion at several Pride celebrations.

Kicking things off on Sat., June 6, COK’s VegAustin Coordinator, Daniela Nunez, tabled at Queerbomb, a gay pride rally in Austin, TX, and distributed hundreds of copies of pro-veg literature, including the Summer 2011 edition of our Vegetarian Guide to Austin.

The following weekend, we set up educational booths at festivals on both the East and West coasts — for Los Angeles Pride and Capital Pride in Washington, DC.

Nation’s Restaurant News Covers Growing Popularity of Meat-Free Dining

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NRN%202011%20cover%20Meatless%20Meals-CrThis week’s issue of Nation’s Restaurant News, considered one of the leading foodservice industry trade publications, features a ground-breaking cover story—“Meatless Menus”—highlighting the increasing popularity and growing success of vegetarian and veg-friendly eateries across the U.S.

As the author Lisa Jennings explains, while vegetarians and vegans may represent a relatively small percentage of the
overall American population, a growing number of restaurants and food service providers are “convinced there is a broad audience ready to embrace plant-based dining.”

Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare Labels on Egg Cartons: Is the Industry Scrambling the Truth?

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whats-inside-your-egg-carton-fullsize-31Walk into any grocery store in the United States today, and you’ll likely find cartons of eggs bearing a variety of advertising schemes ranging from images of happy hens roaming around outside to claims such as “animal friendly.”

Surprisingly though, what consumers see or read on the outside of an egg carton doesn’t necessarily represent how the hens who laid those
eggs were treated. In fact, while most egg laying hens in the US spend their lives overcrowded inside barren wire cages, Compassion Over Killing has documented several cases of explicit and implied claims on egg cartons across the country that imply a higher level of animal care than is actually the case.

COK Spreads Compassion in the Classroom

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classroom%20compassion-275x249.JPGSpeaking with today’s inquisitive and energetic youth about compassion for animals can be one of the most encouraging and rewarding experiences. As a former teacher in DC, I’ve had the opportunity to visit a handful of schools, from elementary through high school, in and around the nation’s capital to meet with students and share information about animals, where our food comes from, and the many benefits of choosing vegetarian foods.