For anyone who’s had the opportunity to meet cows, pigs, and birds in an up close and personal setting, like a sanctuary, it’s an incredible experience. Much like the cats and dogs in our homes, these animals are very social and playful, and they have individual personalities. It can be a life-changing experience. So can watching an undercover video filmed inside a factory farm or slaughterhouse. And while such information has compelled millions of Americans to change our dietary choices by leaving animals off our plates, would more people be willing to alter their behavior if they could experience what life is truly like for farmed animals?
Maryland’s Montgomery County Proclaims Meatless Monday
Last Thursday, the Montgomery County Council issued a “Meatless Monday” Proclamation officially endorsing a nationwide effort to promote kinder, climate-friendlier, and healthier foods. Compassion Over Killing worked with the Council on this initiative and applauds the County for taking this important step in promoting the many benefits of choosing more plant-based foods.
Vegan Cuts Deal: Buy a Necklace, Spread Compassion, Benefit COK!
Our friends at Vegan Cuts have launched a new line of super cute necklaces featuring three different maple wood pendants – a rabbit, a lamb, and a fox. These necklaces aren’t just adorable and stylish — they also support Compassion Over Killing’s work to protect animals! How?
When you buy your necklace (necklaces) on Vegan Cuts, simply select Compassion Over Killing from the non-profit drop down menu and 10% of your purchase will be automatically donated to support our live-saving campaigns.
Compromise on Capitol Hill Spurs More Veg Meals
Last week, something pretty interesting happened in the US Capitol. And while it may not have involved sweeping bill proposals or read-the-phone-book filibusters, the event — the “Healthy on the Hill” luncheon — is definitely worth talking about.
Vegan Carnival Favorites Debut at Knott’s Berry Farm
As a Southern California native, I grew up going to Knott’s Berry Farm, a quaint amusement park that boasted Snoopy as its mascot, stomach-dropping roller coasters, a Halloween-themed fright fest, a wild west-era Ghost Town, and of course, delicious, albeit unhealthy carnival snacks such as funnel cake and buttered popcorn. Though it’s been a while since I’ve visited, I now have an excuse to go back: all those foods associated with my childhood memories have now been veganized!
The Vegg Cookbook: Egg-Free Cooking Uncaged!
It’s been just over a year since The Vegg was launched, and this versatile plant-based egg yolk replacer has taken the market by storm. Consumers everywhere — from the US to Switzerland to Australia — are using it to whip up amazing vegan creations including omelets, crepes, hollandaise sauce, quiche and so much more. What makes The Vegg so unique is that it looks, smells, and even tastes like egg yolk – but without all the cruelty, which is good news for hens! Plus, every time you buy The Vegg, 10% of sales are donated to Compassion Over Killing.
PlantFit: Interview With Vegan Crossfitter Ed Bauer
If you’re familiar with the terms “wall balls, WODs, boxes and snatches,” you’ve likely heard of or participated in Crossfit. A high-intensity workout that is quickly acquiring a loyal community of followers, Crossfit is taking the fitness world–and ESPN by storm. Crossfitters workout together at a “box,” perform a Workout of the Day (WOD), and many choose to follow the program’s encouraged diet: Paleo. However, a growing number of people within the Crossfit community are choosing to forgo the Paleo diet to opt for healthier plant-based options. That’s exactly the type of approach to nutrition that Crossfitter and coach Ed Bauer wants his clients to follow.
Massachusetts Unites for Farmed Animals
Earlier this week, hundreds of people—including animal advocates, non-profit organizations (such as Compassion Over Killing), veterinarians, vet students, and countless other caring individuals attended a public hearing in Boston, Massachusetts to show their support for a bill aiming to protect farmed animals in the state.
Will the US Start Horse Slaughter Again?
Remember the UK’s “horsemeat scandal” that prompted public outrage, meat recalls, and overall led to our neighbors across the Atlantic eating less meat? Yes, the discovery of horse DNA in some “beef” products caused quite a fuss . People began questioning the lack of oversight in food production methods as well as food safety. But, the issue also drew attention to how deeply cultural “food” norms run through our society. The scandal drew a bitter reaction from some because of the idea of eating an animal who is seen in many cultures as a companion or pet.