There has been a lot of news this summer touting the benefits of eating vegan for an athletic edge. Whether it’s ultra runners like Scott Jurek who have been winning races as a dedicated vegan for years or professional NFL players eager to improve their health and their performance, these athletes help build a simple yet powerful narrative: removing animal products from your diet not only improves health but can also give you an athletic boost.
Demand for Vegetarian Food Increasing Overseas
Good news for animals in the US and abroad: As people around the world learn about the many benefits of vegetarian eating, demand for plant-based foods is sprouting up everywhere! From China to the United Kingdom, animal-free foods are increasing in popularity and accessibility, which makes choosing compassion easier than getting through customs.
Chew on This: One-Third of Americans Eat Veggie Meats
When it comes to the foods we choose to eat, you might think that vegans and meat-eaters don’t have all that much in common. A new eye-opening report by market research firm Mintel, however suggests otherwise.
5 YouTube Channels that Prove Vegan Cooking is for Everyone
Ever been bored by traditional television cooking shows? Considering the limited programming that features recipes the average person actually could prepare at home, and the even smaller subset with good vegan recipes, it can be quite a bore! Bucking this trend, however, are vegan chefs across the nation who are turning to YouTube to produce their own niche — and incredibly fun and popular — cooking channels to both entertain and educate other veg and veg-curious chefs.
Are Chemical Sprays on Chicken Concealing Salmonella?
We know that chickens and other factory farmed animals are fed a steady stream of antibiotics to foster faster growth and to mitigate the spread of disease caused by keeping thousands of animals in cramped, filthy conditions. But did you know that on top of all this, after chickens are slaughtered, their carcasses may be dosed in a powerful bath of chemicals?
Hot Off the Press: Fall 2013 Veg Guide to Los Angeles
Los Angeles is famous for its stars, beaches, and lucky for us, its status as a true mecca of vegan and vegetarian fare. And with COK’s Fall 2013 edition of the Vegetarian Guide to Los Angeles, it’s easier than ever to find the best animal-friendly options in the “City of Angels!”
TCBY Launches Dairy-Free Frozen Yogurt
As a growing number of Americans, especially today’s younger generations, are ditching dairy, the food industry is responding by serving up more plant-based options. Case in point: TCBY (The Country’s Best Yogurt) just announced its partnership with Silk to introduce “the first ever national dairy-free, almondmilk-based frozen yogurt option.”
Germany’s Green Party Calls for a Weekly “Veggie Day”
When thinking about German cuisine, vegetables are not likely the first food that comes to mind. So considering its meat reputation that is laden with a wide range of sausage options, it might come as a surprise to learn that not only is there a thriving veg-friendly movement — more than 10,000 people attended last year’s Berlin VegFest — there is a new vegetarian eating initiative introduced as part of a political platform.
Candle 79 Chef Angel Ramos Adds a Pinch of Mexican Soul
A vegan tourist’s New York City itinerary isn’t complete without a stop at Candle 79 restaurant. Well-known for its gourmet cuisine, popular cookbook, and frozen meal line in Whole Foods, one of Candle 79’s behind-the-scenes talents is now shining in the spotlight: Chef Angel Ramos.