
Methane Molly & Plant-Powered Planet Protectors Join Climate March

smcdonaldAnimals, Environment, Health, News, Veg Eating 2 Comments

The Plant-Powered Planet Protectors (or P4) took to the streets of Washington DC – along with more than 200,000 people from around the world — to participate in the People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29.

P4 marched hundreds of people strong with a colorful display of signs and even some costumes, though we were all united under one banner: Change your diet, change the world. Our 20-foot-tall inflatable cow, Methane Molly, drew attention to animal agriculture’s devastating contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental harms — as well as the powerfully positive impact of a plant-based diet.

Methane Molly was shown in far-reaching footage of the March, sending our empowering message around the world: Each of us can stand up for the planet and our future each time we sit down to a meal, simply by choosing plant-based foods.

Launched by Animal Outlook, P4 is a diverse coalition of more than 25 organizations including Animal Equality, Center for Biological Diversity, Jewish Veg, Factory Farming Awareness Coalition, Fish Feel, Vegetarian Society of DC, FARM, Food Integrity Campaign of the Government Accountability Project, DineKind Harford, Toronto Pig Save and the Save Movement, In Defense of Animals, and DC VegFest. See the full list.

P4 helps to build bridges between animal and environmental protection organizations, working together to connect the dots between our dietary choices and our power to save the Earth.


The People’s Climate March was a huge success, more than doubling the expected number of marchers (despite the sweltering heat) and drawing celeb environmentalists like Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio and Leilani Münter.

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Leilani Münter with P4 members

As marchers gathered near the National Monument for the finale of speakers and artists, P4 was still advocating for the planet and all who call it home. Our volunteers gave out more than 1,500 copies of our Eating Sustainably guide (on 100% recycled paper). Download your free copy.

Thanks to Sarah Pickering of Animal Equality, who helped lead the way on the ground, and the dozens of amazing volunteers who braved the heat to inspire others to eat green! Special gratitude to World Animal Net: Without their sage cows-perience from the 2014 Climate March, we would have been Molly-less.

If you weren’t able to join the March in DC or one of its many sister marches, don’t worry: it’s just the beginning for P4. Learn more and join the movement.

It’s easier than ever to choose more sustainable (and delicious) plant-based foods. We can help you get started at

Read & share: Animal Outlook’s Erica Meier highlights how YOU can take a bite out of climate change in her inspiring Huffington Post article.

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