5 Tips for the Traveling Vegan

supportblog, Food 4 Comments

With Covid restrictions loosening up, a lot of us are traveling again after nearly two years on hiatus. So, maybe our gadabout practices — from packing to planning — are a little rusty. And, whether new to the vegan scene (our most recent VegWeek first-time pledgers!) or a seasoned vegan, perhaps we’re feeling a little stressed at the thought of …

Five reasons to take the 7-Day VegPledge

leggVeg Eating 1 Comment

VegWeek, happening this year from April 18 – 24, is  a great opportunity to celebrate Earth Week and to explore the powerful benefits of eating vegan. By participating in VegWeek you’ll not only be helping the awesome animals we share our planet with., but you’ll be benefiting your body and the environment. Will you join us?  Here are five reasons …

Bravo Packing: The Dirty Business of Pet Food Slaughterhouses

leggblog, Investigations 4 Comments

Bravo Packing’s years of flouting food safety laws just caught up with it and the slaughterhouse’s latest legal troubles are in part due to laboratory testing Animal Outlook conducted on the company’s raw dog food in late 2020. Bravo Packing (not Bravo Pet Foods), a family-owned slaughterhouse in southern New Jersey that slaughters cows for dog food and horses for …


VICTORY: IHOP Testing Vegan Breakfast Sandwich

jennyCampaigns, Food, Veg Eating, Victories 1 Comment

After more than two years of campaigning by Animal Outlook and Vegan Outreach, and thousands of petition signatures later, IHOP is testing its first vegan breakfast sandwich. The sandwich, dubbed the Plant-Based Cali and made with Just Egg and Sweet Earth vegan sausage, is now available at one Flip’d by IHOP location in New York City. This is a huge …


5 Tips for Going Vegan in the New Year

jennyFood, Health, Holidays, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Explore lots of different recipes Common misconception: vegans eat salad every day. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many Facebook groups, Instagram pages and blogs dedicated to sharing delicious plant-based recipes, tutorials, tips and hacks. Check out the Academy of Culinary Nutrition’s top 50 vegan blogs for more ideas and inspiration. Try plant-based alternatives for your “old” …


What The Dairy Narrative Is Missing: Lessons Learned From Years Of Investigations In Our Movement

Cheryl LeahyAnimals, Cheryl Leahy, Investigations 1 Comment

There has been an uptick in public interest in switching to what used to be called “dairy alternatives,” language that still implicitly places the vegan options in the outsider position and puts cow’s milk in the dominant frame. Now, people refer to non-dairy milk products as “plant milks,” bringing them right to the center of the table –quite literally— and …

vegan books

5 Vegan Books That Make The Perfect Gift 

jennyAnimals, Environment, Food, Health, Holidays, Veg Eating 1 Comment

From cookbooks and nutritional guides to educational pieces and children’s books, there’s no shortage of vegan books to choose from. Here are five of our favorites that would make great gifts this holiday season:   Own Your Health: How to Live Long and Avoid Chronic Illness by Glen Merzer Perfect for those who want to live healthier lives, this book is …


Dairy: The Life of a Cow, From Birth to Slaughter

jennyAnimals, Investigations 12 Comments

Real-life undercover footage of the dairy industry shows the truth about animal agriculture Animal Outlook’s new video takes viewers on an intimate journey through the life of a farmed animal in the dairy industry from birth to slaughter, using real-life original footage from its undercover investigations. In this video — the first in what Animal Outlook will release as a series …