Video: Egg-Free Baking Easy as Pie

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easy vegan egg-free bakingDid you know that almond or peanut butter can be used instead of eggs when making cookies? Or that mashed beans help make a deliciously moist egg-free brownie?

Learn more quick and easy vegan baking tips and tricks by watching Compassion Over Killing’s new “Egg Replacer” video featured on and

COK and Tofurky Team Up to Support GOOD’s Vegetarian Pledge

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Blog%206-342x222_0.JPGOn June 30 in Los Angeles, Compassion Over Killing (COK) teamed up with one of our favorite animal-friendly companies, Tofurky, to cater lunch for GOOD, an integrated media platform designed to share information about living well and doing good. The company’s goal is to offer resources through its website, various videos, events, and a print magazine for people, businesses, and non-profit organizations with a mission to move the world forward.

Ground-Breaking News: Federal Law Banning Barren Battery Cages & Mandating Production-Method Labels on Egg Cartons to be Introduced

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compassion over killing investigation egg factory farmIn an historic agreement reached today by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and the United Egg Producers (UEP), these long-time adversaries will work cooperatively to enact the first-ever federal law related
to the treatment of chickens. It would also be the first federal law related to the on-farm treatment of animals raised for food. 

COK Helps DC Soup Kitchen Serve Meat-Free Meals on Fridays!

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Miriams-275x306.jpgIn 2010, Washington, DC became the second city in the nation, after San Francisco, to pass a “Meat-Free Monday” resolution encouraging residents to choose healthier and more sustainable foods at least one day each week.

Miriam’s Kitchen, a non-profit organization serving free meals to homeless men, women and children throughout the city, embraced this idea and adopted Meat-Free Fridays! In the past year, Compassion Over Killing has developed a relationship with Miriam’s Kitchen — at least once a month, our staff, interns, and volunteers support this meatless initiative by helping prepare and serve heart-healthy, animal-friendly meals. 

Proud to Serve: Reaching out to Restaurants

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Restaurant DecalA major factor preventing numerous people from seriously exploring veganism is simply convenience. Those who’ve had no experience with veganism often find the thought of finding vegan options daunting, and because of this, COK has worked closely with dozens of restaurants to create or expand their meat-free menus. Our goal is to help make vegan eating as easy as possibly by ensuring that animal-friendly options are widely available.

A Week of Feed-Ins: COK Serves 1,500 Vegan Food Samples to Los Angelenos

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COK kicked off the month of June by dishing out over 500 vegan pizza samples from Cruzer Pizza along with hundreds of Compassionate Choices and Easy Vegan Recipes to West Adams Preparatory High School students at its International Issues Advocacy Fair. We offered a variety of familiar flavors — BBQ chicken, Philly Cheese Steak, Hawaiian, Meat, and Margherita — and each one was a hit! Students were amazed by the taste and empowered to learn about the benefits of choosing plant-based foods. Plus, they were excited that Cruzer Pizza is only minutes away from school.