Dr. Greger’s RDI: View one new NutritionFacts.org video clip each day

smcdonaldHealth 4 Comments

NutritionFacts.orgA few weeks ago, we announced the release of Dr. Michael Greger’s newest DVD, Volume 5, in his popular video series the Latest in Clinical Nutrition. We also told you about his recently launched website NutritionFacts.org which is fully-loaded with over 250 video clips from Volumes 1 through 4.

Now, we’ve got even more exciting news to share: NutritionFacts.org is being supercharged—starting today, Dr. Greger is adding one new video clip each day for 365 straight days as well as writing daily blogs.

So whether you’re wondering if peanut butter is good for youwhat the difference is between calcium in plants versus cow’s milk, or how your diet impacts your mood, visit NutritionFacts.org to discover a wealth of knowledge—sprinkled with humor—about how best to feed ourselves and our families.

Get started with today’s newest video clip: “Antioxidant content of 3,139 foods

A site like this is too good to keep to yourself, so be sure to share it with others.  You can also take Dr. Greger home with you—in the form a DVD, anyway.  While supplies last, COK is offering a sweet deal: donate $15 or more today and we’ll send you Dr. Greger’s Volume 5 for free along with an adorable “I heart Compassion Over Killing” chicken key chain.

The only thing better than watching Dr. Greger’s videos is seeing his nutrition presentation in person — and he’ll be speaking at the DC VegFest on Sept. 24, so be sure to mark your calendar. Visit DCVegFest.com  for more details.

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