A New Year, A Kinder World: Ways To Take Action For Animals in 2021

smcdonaldAnimals 2 Comments

When 2020 started, we had no idea what was to come. But despite everything, we made it through unprecedented challenges and continued working for farmed animals — together. Here at Animal Outlook, we celebrated our 25th anniversary and renewed our commitment to changing the world for animals by exposing truth and inspiring change. 

In 2021, we challenge you to renew your commitment: to the animals, to your health and to the planet we call home. Here are some ways you can take action this year: 

1. Try veg

This year, resolve to leave animals off your plate. By making a simple switch to vegan foods, we can safeguard animals, our health and the environment. To get started, check out all our free recipes and tips on TryVeg.com, and join our online support community.

2. Expose the truth

Why not use the powerful tool of social media to be a voice for animals? Animal Outlook’s eye-opening undercover investigations reveal the truth behind the closed doors of animal agribusiness–but the truth can’t get out there without your help. To help us spread the word, share our investigation footage with your friends and on social media. 

3. Inspire change in others

By sharing your compassionate choices with others, you can help spread the message, and maybe even get some friends to join you on your journey. Try mastering vegan baking or listen to the Vegan Family Podcast for tips on how to talk to your family about farmed animals.

4. Take action from home

It’s a new year, but COVID-19 is still a reality, and we might have to keep social distancing for a bit. But we’ve found ways to adapt and continue working for animals in safe and effective ways. Choose one of these actions you can take from the comfort and safety of your home.

5. Follow Animal Outlook for daily motivation

We’re here every day bringing you stories of farmed animals, groundbreaking investigations and updates on what we’re doing for animals every day. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up with it all. 

6. Leave a legacy for a kinder world

It’s never too early to think about your legacy. Animal Outlook’s Legacy for a Kinder World program is a way to continue your love for animals well into the future. By designating Animal Outlook as a beneficiary in your will, you’ll become a valued member of our Legacy for a Kinder World Society, and you will receive a personalized welcome package and ongoing informative emails and other exclusive member benefits. 

7. Unite for Change: Lend monthly support

Sign up to help farmed animals every month by becoming a monthly donor through Animal Outlook’s United for Change program. Your automated year-round support will fuel our undercover investigations, legal advocacy and corporate campaigns, and you’ll be helping empower others to choose compassion.

8. Mobilize your social circle to fundraise for animals

Helping farmed animals by fundraising on Facebook for Animal Outlook is simple and effective. Whether you’re celebrating your birthday or another event such as your graduation or wedding, undertaking a physical challenge like running a marathon or climbing a mountain, or setting yourself a personal challenge, you can motivate others to help farmed animals at the same time. Plus, based on how much you raise, you could earn awesome Animal Outlook merch. 

9. Join the cause

Sign up for our eNewsletter to stay up to date on our campaigns for animals and never miss a way to take easy and impactful actions for animals. Plus, check out our volunteer opportunities or internship program.

Together, we can continue building a more compassionate world and speaking up for animals. By making a few small changes, you can have a huge impact–and we’re here to help.

As always, thank you for your generous support. From everyone at Animal Outlook, cheers to a happy new year, a powerful 2021 and another 25 years of changing the world for animals.

Comments 2

  1. It’s time everyone knew how badly treated farm animals are. Dairy always sounds such a wonderful natural way of life, when in fact it’s cruel and barbaric. Baby calves ripped from their mothers and either crated or slaughtered. Their mothers made to be permanently pregnant for the milk. It’s time farming methods were shown to the world.

    Animals sent on horrendous journeys.

    Halal meat where lambs are bled and hung upside down while they slowly bleed to death. All in the name of religion. What kind of people worship this horrendous practice.

    1. I’ve been asking myself that question my entire life. How so people justify what they do to animals? Religion, taste preferences, apathy, ignorance, it goes on. How do people justify wearing fur, when there are warmer and more beautiful alternatives? We should all be exposed to animal cruelty and the reality of factory farms, fur farms, kill shelters, research labs. We should all watch and learn in school, when we’re young, how to make a kinder world and develop compassion for species other than our own. We have let them all down.

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