Animal Outlook is always grateful for your direct financial contributions.

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Thank you for wanting to change the world for animals by setting up a Facebook fundraiser for Animal Outlook. Your support will help us challenge the status quo of animal agribusiness by exposing the truth, delivering justice, revolutionizing food systems and empowering others to stand up for animals by leaving them off their plate. 

Here are some fun and meaningful ideas for setting up your fundraiser:

  • Birthdays, weddings, graduations, vegan-iversary
  • Fitness challenges like marathons, climbing a mountain, and fun runs
  • Personal accomplishments like going vegan, quitting smoking, giving up alcohol or going sugar-free
  • Honoring the memory of a beloved human or animal family member or friend

You can also set up a fundraiser without any specific reason other than your desire to help animals and raise awareness for Animal Outlook. 

As a thank you for your efforts, we would like to send you a token of appreciation to acknowledge your efforts in the following ways:

All fundraisers will receive a thank you certificate, however gifts for fundraisers who raise over $200 can only be sent to US addresses.

Get started now: Here are step by step instructions on setting up a fundraiser on Facebook - or go directly to Facebook:

Ready? Click here to start your fundraiser.