Arizona Jail

Arizona Jail Goes Meat-Free

smcdonaldVeg Eating 5 Comments

Think vegetarian eating is expensive? Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio would disagree. In fact, Sheriff Joe recently announced that all jails in Maricopa County will now serve 100 percent meat-free meals, and he expects this menu change to save taxpayers $100,000.

Vegan Cooking

5 YouTube Channels that Prove Vegan Cooking is for Everyone

smcdonaldRecipes, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

Ever been bored by traditional television cooking shows? Considering the limited programming that features recipes the average person actually could prepare at home, and the even smaller subset with good vegan recipes, it can be quite a bore! Bucking this trend, however, are vegan chefs across the nation who are turning to YouTube to produce their own niche — and incredibly fun and popular — cooking channels to both entertain and educate other veg and veg-curious chefs.