Animal Outlook’s Next Era – Welcome New Executive Director, Ben Williamson

Belindablog, Food, Health Leave a Comment

Together with the rest of the board, it is my pleasure to announce Animal Outlook’s next Executive Director, Ben Williamson. When I decided to begin the transition out of the Executive Director role earlier this year and we began our search, we were looking for a leader who could build upon and enhance Animal Outlook’s unique identity, level of achievement, …

Vegan Cuisines

Belindablog, Food, Health Leave a Comment

Eating out at restaurants is a joyous experience, especially as a way to celebrate with friends and family. It can be frustrating when you look at the menu, only to see a house salad, roasted vegetables, and perhaps some soup among vegan-friendly options. Unfortunately, meat is considered a delicacy, as well as a necessity, meaning that restaurants routinely use animal …

How Big is Big Ag?

Belindablog, Food, Health 1 Comment

Maybe you’ve heard about the gross mistreatment of animals in agricultural facilities. Maybe you’ve even seen some of the videos from our undercover investigations and logically been horrified. It’s tempting to respond by telling oneself that these are rare and isolated incidents and they aren’t happening at scale. However, these injustices are actually widespread in the animal agriculture industry. While …

Hidden Non-Vegan Ingredients to Watch Out For

Belindablog, Food, Health Leave a Comment

Going vegan is easier than ever thanks to the variety of plant-based food options now available. As more and more people make the switch, companies are responding by creating tasty and nutritious alternatives for animal products such as milk, cheese, and meat. Even though grocery stores are increasingly accommodating vegans, one can’t be too careful; non-vegan ingredients are hidden in …

Why the New “Farm Bill” in Congress Would Be a Disaster for Animals for the Next Five Years

Belindablog, Food, Health 1 Comment

Every five years, Congress passes a sweeping “Farm Bill” designed to regulate agricultural policy until the next bill. A new version, already approved by the House Agriculture Committee, contains language designed to nullify Prop 12, one of the strongest animal protection laws in the country, and closes off pathways to gain more like it. This would simply be very bad …

Vegan Clothing Options

Belindablog, Food, Health Leave a Comment

It’s always fun to experiment with clothing, whether that means participating in the hottest new trend or investing in timeless classics. Unfortunately, fashion companies often turn to animal-derived materials when manufacturing higher-end items. For example, cows are routinely skinned in slaughterhouses, their hides subsequently treated with toxic chemicals to create leather1. Sheep have been selectively bred to overproduce wool, so …