woman on laptop with dog on bed

Six Ways to Take Action for Animals While Social Distancing 

supportAnimals, Outreach, Veg Eating Leave a Comment

As people who do everything we can to stand up for animals, we can start feeling a bit helpless when confined to our homes. We may not be out and able to advocate for animals, or share a vegan meal with a pre-vegan, but luckily, there are still steps we can take to continue our activism in this strange new world.

Here’s a list of a few actions you can take right now from the comfort of your home.

For Animal Outlook’s response to COVID-19, click here.

Join and share the VegWeek community
One of the best ways to save animals right now is to simply not eat them. When you take the Veg Pledge, you’ll receive daily emails with recipes, tips, and tricks on eating vegan starting in April. This is not only a great way to sustain your own vegan journey–sharing it with others may help motivate them, too. We’re in this together so let’s do it together.

Plus, become a member of our VegWeek support Facebook group.

Sign and share a petition
Signing and sharing an Animal Outlook petition is easy and quick–and it has a huge impact. Our petitions show just how many people are demanding more compassionate foods and policies. Sign and share one of our active petitions today to: urge Dunkin’ to offer a vegan donut, tell Martha Stewart to stop supporting cruel salmon farming and ask the USDA to put a stop to high-speed slaughter once and for all. Find more here.

Expose factory farming to the world
Why not use the powerful tool of social media to be a voice for animals? Animal Outlook’s eye-opening undercover investigations reveal the truth behind the closed doors of animal agribusiness–but the truth can’t get out there without your help. To help us spread the word, share a thought-provoking investigative video. You may know the truth of animal agriculture, but many don’t….yet.

Have a virtual Netflix party
We’ve done the research for you and compiled a list of all the best films and documentaries with a vegan message that are available on Netflix right now. Watch a movie like Okja or Game Changers with people in your household, or use Netflix Party to stream a movie remotely with your pre-vegan friends.

Contribute to Animal Outlook
It’s an uncertain time for all of us, and our lifesaving work for animals is made possible through your generosity. Even as the world seems to have stopped, animals continue to suffer, and we want to keep fighting for them. Your donation keeps us advocating for them with our undercover investigations, legal work, corporate engagement and vegan outreach. You can also contribute by shopping at the Animal Outlook store.

Support a vegan company
It’s a difficult time for small businesses–especially restaurants who are unable to offer traditional service. If you can, order some groceries or sweet treats from a small vegan business using VegNews’ guide to shipping vegan staples or a local directory for delivery and takeout like this one for Washington, DC. Don’t have a guide? Start one in your town.

Image credit: PuppyHero.

Our work only continues thanks to the generosity of people like you. More than 90 percent of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to our lifesaving programs, legal advocacy and undercover investigations. Please donate today: animaloutlook.org/donate.

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