Global Dairy-Free Cheese Market to Pass $3.5B in 2023

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From the looks of a new report from Market Research Future, dairy-free is the future of cheese. The global market for non-dairy cheese is expected to soar to more than $3.5 billion in 2023!

Among the given reasons why shoppers are ditching dairy in the cheese aisle are a “rising number of vegan consumers” and “increasing awareness about lactose intolerance”.

The report lists several brands as leading the way in the market growth for dairy-free cheese, including Daiya, Follow Your Heart, Tofutti, and Kite Hill.

There’s an ever-growing number of dairy-free options available in stores around the globe to meet the demand for vegan cheeses, milks, ice creams, and more. And as consumers sour to the idea of cow’s milk, plant-based is more popular than ever.

As Compassion Over Killing’s most recent investigation shows, the dairy industry’s thirst for profit leads to a cycle of cruelty for cows. Did you know that dairy cows endure their newborn calves being taken away time and again, so their milk can be sold? Or that when their exhausted bodies can no longer produce milk, dairy cows are sent to slaughter?

The good news is you can choose not to support this cruel cycle, and choose compassion for cows! Visit for vegan recipes, tips, and so much more.

Demand for dairy alternatives is only expected to grow! Join us in asking major pizza chains Papa John’s and Little Caesars to get in on this growing market and take a slice of out cruelty by offering a vegan cheese: Sign & share our petition today!


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