
Muddying the Waters: Aquaculture’s Plague on Welfare, Environment & Health

jennyAnimals, Investigations, Outreach, Veg Eating 1 Comment

Aquaculture is a rapidly growing form of food production, but that’s not a good thing for animals, the environment or consumers. Aquaculture involves the farming of aquatic animal and plant species. In 2016, global aquaculture raised roughly 110.2 million metric tons of fish for food. As a grim testament to the magnitude of animals slaughtered in industrial aquaculture, the United …

cooke aquaculture diseased fish

Aquaculture: The Painful Truth Beneath the Surface 

Erin WingAnimals, Investigations, Veg Eating 15 Comments

When you think of the animal agriculture industry, what comes to mind? Cows, pigs and chickens? Many people aren’t aware of the cruel world of fish factory farming, or aquaculture.  Aquaculture presents serious environmental and other risks, yet it largely flies under the radar, although it’s coming under increasing scrutiny. I wasn’t truly aware of the dangers and horrors of …