COK Opposing Meat-Industry Efforts to Squash Vegan Protein

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Compassion Over Killing joins a coalition opposing dangerous proposals by animal agribusiness that would shield meat producers from plant-based competition.

Vegan foods are sprouting up everywhere, as consumers increasingly demand healthier, kinder meat alternatives.

In a desperate display, the factory farming industry is flexing its lobbying muscles to squash the rise of vegan proteins, by trying to stop these popular foods from being labeled “meat.” 

For example, in Missouri, a series of bills with this goal are being backed up by some lawmakers.

COK has signed onto a coalition letter led by the Animal Legal Defense Fund urging the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, and written by Animal Legal Defense Fund, urging the federal agency to deny an anti-competitive petition from the United States Cattlemen’s Association.

The letter states, “Not only is there no evidence of consumer confusion…plant-based food companies have every incentive to differentiate their products from animal-derived products. Consumers seek out plant-based foods because animal meat negatively impacts their health, the environment, and animal welfare.”

Just like similar measures intended to stop dairy-free milks and cheeses from being labeled “milk,” “cheese,” and so on, the meat industry’s proposals, if accepted by the USDA, would only sow consumer confusion.

With a 600% increase in the number of U.S. consumers who identify as vegan in just three years (2014-2017), it’s clear that shoppers know what they want: plant-based foods!

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